Iteration 3
Iteration plan
Iteration 3
Implemented preliminary functionality for Users, Providers, Customers, and Affiliations, including authentication and associating Affiliations between Providers and Customers. Only Providers have the ability to create Affiliations, and only one Affiliation can be created for a given (Provider, Customer) pair, but there are many checks that were purposely left out. We tested our authentication system manually. We implemented preliminary model functionality for Slot (which will also represent Booking), SlotGroup (which will also represent BookingGroup), Period. We also added basic unit tests.
Iteration 4
Right now, Provider, Customer, and Affiliation functionality is preliminary, and we do not have unit tests. In iteration 4, we will start by implementing unit tests for authentication using with Devise. We will then update all of these classes to behave more realistically, for example with full checks in place to prevent improper usage, etc. In addition, we’ll implement the UserState, AffiliationState, Business, and ProviderPrivacyConfiguration classes. We plan to add the BookingState model class, as well as more unit tests and functionality. We also plan to add view and controller functionality for slots and bookings.
Iteration 5
Implement search functionality.
Iteration 6
We should have all piece-by-piece functionality up and running by then, and we will be working primarily on refinements / bug fixes.