More Functional Programming in OCaml


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# (|>);;
- : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b = <fun>
# 5 |> (fun x -> x - 20);; (* it is really just new syntax for function application *)
- : int = -15
# [] |> (List.cons 5) |> (List.cons 7) |> (fun x -> x) |> List.length;;
- : int = 2

Folds and generalized folds

We will roughly follow the Cornell notes

Fold right
List.fold_right ( * ) [2; 5; 7] 1

is 2*(5*(7*(1))), i.e. 70. The “right” refers to the zero (1 here) being on the right, not the left (it doesn’t matter in the case of multiplication as it is commutative and associative).

Here is roughly how List.fold_right is implemented:

let rec fold_right op lst init = match lst with
  | [] -> init
  | h::t -> op h (fold_right op t init)

let summate lst = List.fold_right (+) lst 0
let concatenate lst = List.fold_right (^) lst ""
Fold left
List.fold_left ( * ) 1 [2; 5; 7] (* note the zero and the list swapped in arg list vs folds_right *)

is (((1)*2)*5)*7, i.e. 70.

let rec fold_left op accum lst = match lst with
  | [] -> accum
  | h::t -> fold_left op (op accum h) t

let summate lst = List.fold_left (+) 0 lst
let concatenate lst = List.fold_left (^) "" lst

Some non-assoc/commut operator:

List.fold_right (-) [2; 5; 7] 0     (* 2-(5-(7-0))) = 4; not very useful *)
List.fold_left (-) 0 [2; 5; 7]      (* ((0-2)-5)-7 = -14 *)
length, map, reverse, and filter can be coded just with a fold!

Here are some pleasant examples mostly from the Cornell notes illustrating the power of fold.

let length l = List.fold_left (fun a _ -> a+1) 0 l
let rev l = List.fold_left (fun a x -> x::a) [] l (* e.g. rev [1;2;3] = (3::(2::(1::[]))) *)
let map f l = List.fold_right (fun x a -> (f x)::a) l []
let map_rev f l = List.fold_left (fun a x -> (f x)::a)  [] l (* to contrast left and right fold *)
let filter f l = List.fold_right (fun x a -> if f x then x::a else a) l []
Fold on trees
type 'a btree = 
| Leaf 
| Node of 'a * 'a btree * 'a btree
let rec treefold init op = function
  | Leaf -> init
  | Node (v,l,r) -> op v (treefold init op l) (treefold init op r)
let size t = treefold 0 (fun _ l r -> 1 + l + r) t
let depth t = treefold 0 (fun _ l r -> 1 + max l r) t
let preorder t = treefold [] (fun x l r -> [x] @ l @ r) t
let tex = Node (4, Node (5, Node (6, Leaf, Leaf), Leaf), Node (4, Leaf, Leaf))
size tex
type function btreefun('mytype)('a) = Leaf | Node of 'a * 'mytype('a) * 'mytype('a) (* takes self-type as arg *)
type 'a btree = btreefun btreefun 'a  (* type fixed point via self-type passing *)

By feeding in the “accumulator type” for 'mytype here we can obtain the type of one layer of the fold

type summer = btreefun int int (* assume we are summating over an integer-node tree *)

Then we can write a function over this type which does that one layer:

let (treesummer : summer -> int) = function
  | Leaf -> 0
  | Node (v,laccum,raccum) -> v + laccum + raccum

And the folder can be generic over any such type – it takes this non-recursive code to perform the fold operation.

OCaml functors

Here is a kind of struct that we can take as a parameter

type comparison = LessThan | EqualTo | GreaterThan 
module type ORDERED_TYPE =
    type t
    val compare: t -> t -> comparison

Here is a functor version of a set, you feed in a struct with the set element ordering defined on it

module FSetFunctor =
  functor (Elt: ORDERED_TYPE) ->
    type element = Elt.t (* import the type of elements from the module *)
    type set = element list

    let empty = []

    let rec add x s =
      match s with
        [] -> [x]
      | hd::tl ->
          match x hd with
            EqualTo   -> s
          | LessThan    -> x :: s
          | GreaterThan -> hd :: add x tl

    let rec contains x s =
      match s with
        [] -> false
      | hd::tl ->
          match x hd with
            EqualTo   -> true
          | LessThan    -> false
          | GreaterThan -> contains x tl

Here is a concrete ordering we can feed in, one over ints

module OrderedInt =
    type t = int
    let compare x y =
      if x = y then
    if x < y then

Here is how we feed it in, instantiating the functor to give a module

module OrderedIntSet = FSetFunctor(OrderedInt)

Example of using the resulting module

let myOrderedIntSet = OrderedIntSet.add 5 OrderedIntSet.empty
OrderedIntSet.contains 3 myOrderedIntSet

We can do the same thing for a string comparison

module OrderedString =
  type t = string
  let compare x y =
    if x = y then EqualTo
    else if x < y then LessThan
    else GreaterThan

module OrderedStringSet = FSetFunctor(OrderedString) (* a DIFFERENT instantiation of same *)

let myOrderedStringSet = OrderedStringSet.add "abc" OrderedStringSet.empty

Functors also have signatures; there can also be type abstraction in a functor signature

module type SETFUNCTOR = (* below is the syntax for a signature of a functor *)
    functor (Elt: ORDERED_TYPE) ->
    type element = Elt.t      (* concrete *)
    type set                  (* abstract *)
    val empty : set
    val add : element -> set -> set
    val contains : element -> set -> bool

module AbstractSet = (FSetFunctor : SETFUNCTOR) (* slap that sig on a functor *)
module AbstractIntSet = AbstractSet(OrderedInt)

AbstractIntSet.add 5 AbstractIntSet.empty
Functors in the Standard Library

Stdlib.Set uses functors similar to how our simplistic set works, let us review it – manpage

Usage example

module Ints =
         type t = int
         let compare x0 x1 =
  x0 x1

     module IntsSet = Set.Make(Ints) (* Set.Make is a functor *)

     let m = IntsSet.(empty |> add 3 |> add 22 |> add 76)
First-class modules

Idea: Lift modules to be true first-class data; supported in more recent OCaml versions.

GADTs in OCaml

Generalized Abstract Data Types (GADT’s) allow several more flexible uses of OCaml data types. See The Manual for the details.

New data type syntax for OCaml

Review: roll-your-own lists using existing OCaml types

type 'a oldlist = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a oldlist

Equivalent way to do list type using new generic type syntax (but using it to do old thing)

type _ newlist = Nil : 'a newlist | Cons : 'a * 'a newlist -> 'a newlist

Lets now show some added power of this new notation (toy example).

type _ newlist = Nil : 'a newlist
| IntNil : int newlist
| Cons : 'a * 'a newlist -> 'a newlist

We now have a new IntNil empty list, which is only consable on to integers:

# Cons(5,IntNil);;
- : int newlist = Cons (5, IntNil)

Note however that “IntNil” is just a name, the int newlist type could have been something else:

type _ newlist = Nil : 'a newlist
| IntNil : string newlist (* yes this is perfectly legal *)
| Cons : 'a * 'a newlist -> 'a newlist
# Cons(5,IntNil);;
Error: This expression has type string newlist
       but an expression was expected of type int newlist
       Type string is not compatible with type int

In other words, the “IntNil” is just a name. It is axiomatically (by fiat) making certain constructors have certain newlist types. Think of it as something like making an operational semantics rule set. Here is an arbitrary example to illustrate.

type _ dough = 
  Coin : 'a dough (* base case (axiom) *)
| Add : 'a dough -> 'a dough (* rule: have dough, can make more same type of dough *)
| Bump : int dough -> float dough (* rule: can turn int dough to float dough *)
| Morph : 'a dough -> 'b dough (* rule: can turn any kind of dough to any other *)
| Intbux : int -> int dough (* rule: with a number some int dough can be made *)
| Intcomb : int * int dough -> int dough (* rule: use int and int dough to make int dough *)

You can still do whatever combinations will type, e.g.

# Bump(Add(Coin));;
- : float dough = Bump (Add Coin)
# Bump(Morph(Bump(Add(Intcomb(4,Coin)))));;
- : float dough = Bump (Morph (Bump (Add (Intcomb (4, Coin)))))
Explicit forall types

Along with the new syntax for type declarations is new syntax for polymorphic (for all / generic) types.

let id: type t. t -> t = fun x -> x;;
val id : 't -> 't = <fun>
Useful work from the new GADT’s in OCaml

Here is an example from the manual showing how some useful work can be done.

 type _ typ =
   | Int : int typ      (* axiom: make an int type *)
   | String : string typ (* axiom: can make a string typ *)
   | Pair : 'a typ * 'b typ -> ('a * 'b) typ (* rule: from any two typ's can make their product *)

Observe first that this GADT typ is not the same as the “old OCaml” equivalent,

type atype = OInt | OString | OPair of atype * atype

– the old types are much simpler, there is no type parameter; compare:

# OPair(OInt,OString);; (* old *)
- : atype = OPair (OInt, OString)           (* no parameter on atype *)
# Pair(Int,String);;    (* new *)
- : (int * string) typ = Pair (Int, String) (* observe parameter on typ *)

The interesting and useful bit about this seemingly-useless difference is this type parameter on typ can be used to type otherwise untypeable code:

 let rec to_string: type t. t typ -> t -> string = (* notice need to declare forall types! *)
   fun tv x ->
   match tv with
   | Int -> string_of_int x
   | String -> Printf.sprintf "%S" x
   | Pair(t1,t2) ->
       let (x1, x2) = x in
       Printf.sprintf "(%s,%s)" (to_string t1 x1) (to_string t2 x2);;
val to_string : 't typ -> 't -> string = <fun>
# to_string Int 5;; (* Int has type int typ and 5 is of type int -- a match *)
- : string = "5"
# to_string Int "oops";; (* Int has type int typ and "oops" is of type string -- mismatch *)
Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type

If the type of to_string were the more standard OCaml 'a typ -> 'a -> string this path-sensitivity would not be allowed:

 let rec too_string:  'a typ -> 'a -> string =
   fun tv x ->
   match tv with
   | Int -> string_of_int x
   | String -> Printf.sprintf "%S" x
   | Pair(t1,t2) ->
       let (x1, x2) = x in
       Printf.sprintf "(%s,%s)" (to_string t1 x1) (to_string t2 x2);;
Error: This pattern matches values of type string typ
       but a pattern was expected which matches values of type int typ
       Type string is not compatible with type int 
let int_to_string: int typ -> int -> string =
   fun t x ->
   match t with
   | Int -> string_of_int x

Here is another simple example of suspended application.

type _ wait =  Wait : 'arg * ('arg -> 'result) -> 'result wait
let foo (x : bool) = if x then 0 else 1
let suspended_value : int wait = Wait(true, foo)
let other_suspended_value : int wait = Wait("5", int_of_string)
let run_it w = match w with Wait(arg,func) -> func arg
let doit = run_it suspended_value
type ('a, 'b) badwait =  BadWait of  'a * ('a -> 'b);; (* notice how BOTH 'a and 'b exposed here *)

A practical library example: Gmap