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1 //
2 // HomeScreen.h
3 // BoredRoomBingo
4 //
5 // Created by Tom Reinhart on 10/27/14.
6 // Copyright (c) 2014 Tom Reinhart. All rights reserved.
7 //
9 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
10 #import "ArchivedWordListsTableViewController.h"
14 @interface GameCreationViewController : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate>
15 @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *gameNameTextField;
16 @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *addNewWordTextField;
17 @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *listNameTextField;
18 @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UISwitch *privatePublicSwitch;
19 @property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableArray *currentWords;
20 @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITapGestureRecognizer *backgroundTap;
21 -(void)setList:(NSString *)list;
22 -(void)addToCurrentWords:(NSMutableArray *)wordsToAdd;
23 @property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *arrayWithWordsToAdd;
24 - (IBAction)unwindToGameCreationViewController:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue;
28 @end
Definition: GameCreationViewController.h:14
IBOutlet UITextField * addNewWordTextField
Text field to add a new word to game.
Definition: GameCreationViewController.h:16
NSMutableArray * currentWords
Array of all current words for game.
Definition: GameCreationViewController.h:19
IBOutlet UITextField * listNameTextField
Text field to name your current list as new list.
Definition: GameCreationViewController.h:17
IBOutlet UITapGestureRecognizer * backgroundTap
Tap registered when clicking board used for clearing keyboard.
Definition: GameCreationViewController.h:20
IBOutlet UITextField * gameNameTextField
Group Name of Game.
Definition: GameCreationViewController.h:15
NSMutableArray * arrayWithWordsToAdd
Array of words to add from a selected list.
Definition: GameCreationViewController.h:23
IBOutlet UISwitch * privatePublicSwitch
Switch to set game to public or private.
Definition: GameCreationViewController.h:18