Object Oriented Software Engineering Course - Group 8

Jeff Burka (Frontend)

Bumjin Kim (Backend, Frontend)

Alex Monroe (Frontend)

Emily Scher (Backend)

Title : OliGUI

Previous Iterations


Iteration 3

Current Implementation Progress

The backend now allows users to create an account, sign in, and sign out. We also build almost all of the database tables that our system will need, and began to implement the models. This iteration includes tests of how users are created and authenticated. The user test cases, found in test/models/user_test.rb test that the user validations specified in the user model are upheld correctly. All passwords must be at least 6 characters long, all users must have both a first and last name, all users must have an email address in the correct format, and all email addresses must be unique. Because we have very similar specifications to those found here https://www.railstutorial.org/book/filling_in_the_layout#sec-user_signup, many of our test cases come from that source.

Plans for future iterations