
Group 1: Timur Sherif, Anh Dang, Solomon Liu, Eli Sutton

Iteration 2


This application will allow users to create surveys that can be taken by other users on their Android mobile devices. The completed surveys will be returned to the creator in an easily readable format. While for years, answering surveys has consisted of checking boxes and filling in bubbles, we hope to bring certain new innovative and intuitive methods of form filling to light with our app. We want to take advantage of the fact that this app will be running on an Android phone. Thus we will focus our data entry on speech, multi-touch, and the accelerometer. We also plan to scrape answers from the phone (like GPS location data, contact details, etc.)

Key Features

Desired features (if time permits)


Domain Model

Class diagram

Download the larger version here

Deployment Diagram

Sequence Diagram

Class Design Proposal

Please click here for the JavaDoc documentation.

GUI Sketches

Please click here to download.

Activity Diagrams


There is a basic client server interaction. The client is based on an android phone. The server is running Hibernate, MySQL, and JBoss Web Service. The surveys, answers, and stats are stored on the server. There will be two main packages: one for the client and one for the server
