Assignment 5: Fb Programming, Y, Operational Equivalance, Records and Variants
This assignment has two parts. Part I consists of some short Fb programs you will need to write, and the second part is some written questions. There are two separate Gradescope submission points for the two parts.
(Note that you can e.g. use one flex day to turn in both of them up to one day later – consider it as one assignment when it comes to submission deadline and flex days.)
Part I: Fb programming
and code up the indicated Fb programs in this file.
Part I Submission and Grading
Submit (only) the
file to the Assignment 5 Part I autograder.
Part II: Y-Combinator, Operational Equivalance, Records, Variants
These are “paper” questions not coding questions, and you will submit a pdf solution. Of course feel free to use the Fb interpreter to test any of your answers below.
(10 points) Write an Fb function
which works like theY
-combinator but only supports ten levels deep of recursive call. So for examplecheapY (Function this -> Function x -> If x = 1 then 1 Else x + this (x-1)) 10
but if the10
was replaced with11
it diverges since the recursion tried to go 11 levels deep. This behavior is the same as a recursive function invocation with a runtime stack depth of at most 10 in e.g. the C language. Hint: you don’t actually need a counter to count the number of recursive calls, it is easier than that. -
(20 points) For each of the following potential operational equivalences for Fb, either prove that it holds by using the principles in Section 2.4.2 (using only a sequence of those principles and explicitly mentioning which principle is used in each step of the sequence – like a geometry proof), or present a counterexample context C invalidating it by the definition of ~= in Section 2.4.1.
Fun x -> x + 1
=~Fun a -> (Fun y -> y + 1) a
Let x = f 1 + 2 In 0
~=1 - 1
Fun x -> If y Then Fun y -> x + y Else f x
~=Fun y -> If x Then Fun x -> y + x Else f y
Fun a -> Fun b -> a + b
~=Fun b -> Fun a -> b + a
(Note that when you fill in the hole in a context C[e] for a counterexample, you should not change the parse precedence; in other words, C[e] is always the same as C[
].) -
(10 points) We primarily focused on operational equivalence for Fb during the course, but the definition naturally generalizes to other languages we studied (and even to JavaScript, Python, etc). For example for FbV, the definition of ~= will read identically and the only difference is the contexts C will be FbV contexts not Fb contexts, and the ==> evaluation relation will also be FbV’s.
a. For the theory of FbV operational equivalence, propose one useful ~= law to add to the Fb laws we had such as beta, etc. Your law needs to deal with the new variant syntax and should be a useful and general law, not something vacuous like
n(v) ~= n(v)
.b. Use your new FbV law and the existing Fb laws to prove
Match 'Red(Fun x -> x) With | 'Red f -> 'Green (f 5) | 'Green m -> 'Red (Fun x -> x + y) ~= 'Green(5)
. Show your steps and name any laws used. -
(10 points) Although FbR doesn’t have built-in pairs, we can encode pairs and their operations in FbR using records. For this question, the goal is to take a program with pairs syntax
(e1, e2)
, andSnd
(but no pattern matching on pairs), such asLet p = (1, (2, 3)) In (Fst (Snd p)) = 2
and to define an equivalent (i.e. returning the same result) FbR program which uses records to encode pairs.
(a) Define the pair constructor,
, andSnd
as macros using FbR.(b) Translate the above program to FbR using your pair encoding from (a). Your encoding should be such that the concept should work for any program using these pair operations, don’t just make something working for this example.
(10 points) For the following FbR/FbV programs, either prove it has a value (by building the operational semantics proof tree) or argue that the program has no value. Both of these systems were presented in lecture, tne the FbV system is also in the book.
a. FbV:
(Fun yn -> Match yn With `Yes(x) -> 3 | `No(y) -> y) (`No(3))
b. FbR:
(Fun r1 -> Fun r2 -> If r1.c Then r1.a Else {a = r2.c}) {a = 1; c = True} {a = False; c = 2}
Part II Submission
Upload your homework pdf to the Gradescope Assignment 5 Part II submission point. Please remember to list any collaborators at the top of your submission.