Modules basics

  • We have seen OCaml modules in action, e.g., Float.(=),, etc.
  • We also covered how modules are collections of functions, values, types, and other modules
  • Now we want to cover how individual .ml files define modules
    • and, how to hide some items in a module (think private of Java/C++) via .mli file signatures
  • Also we will cover how most modules are libraries of auxiliary functions but how modules may also define executables.
  • … there are also many more fancy module features which we will cover later
  • We are going to use a running example to explain these concepts; see for the full example

.ml files as modules

The contents of the file in the above is the following:

open Core

type 'a t = 'a list
let emptyset : 'a t = []
let add (x : 'a) (s : 'a t) : 'a t = (x :: s)
let rec remove (x : 'a) (s: 'a t) (equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool) : 'a t =
  match s with
  | [] -> failwith "item is not in set"
  | hd :: tl ->
    if equal hd x then tl
    else hd :: remove x tl equal
let rec contains (x: 'a) (s: 'a t) (equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool) : bool =
  match s with
  | [] -> false
  | hd :: tl ->
    if equal x hd then true else contains x tl equal

  • The above code defines module Simple_set since it is in the file
    • Capitalize first letter (only) in file name and remove .ml to get module name
  • Modules are just collections of top-level definable things (things you could type into top loop)
  • Assignment 1 file is in fact making a module as well, named Submission.
  • This particular set module is just a set implemented as a list; it is in fact a multiset
  • The line type 'a t = 'a list is a type abbreviation, 'a t is a synonym for 'a list
    • below we will show how to hide the fact that it is a list.
  • Naming a type just t is the standard for “the” underlying type of a module
    • When outsiders use this module the type will be Simple_set.t, read “Simple set’s type”
    • Core extensively uses this convention in libraries: List.t, Set.t etc.
  • Notice how the functions needing = we have to pass it in explicitly to be polymorphic
    • In Core.Set there is in fact a much better solution but involves fancier modules which we cover later

      Building the library

This file can be built as a library module with the dune file in src/dune (remember to execute dune from the project top-level, it automatically finds the build files in subdirectories)

 (name simple_set)
 (modules simple_set) 
 (libraries core)

And if you want to play with your library module, command dune utop from the same directory will load it into the top loop:

myshell $ dune utop
utop # Simple_set.add 4 Simple_set.emptyset;;
- : int list = [4]
  • One thing potentially annoying here is the fact that we used a list gets exposed here
  • But, we can use type abstraction to hide this; next topic

Other ways to load a module into the top loop besides dune utop

  • If you type #use "";; it is just like copy/pasting the code of the file in – you won’t get a module.
  • If you want to “paste a file in the top loop as a module”, there is a command for that:
    #mod_use "";;
  • And if that was not enough there is one more method: you can #use_output "dune top"
    • this runs the shell command dune top and pastes the output into the top loop; that dune command generates byte code files and then spits out a bunch of #load commands to load all the libraries as well as your code.

Information Hiding with Module Signatures

  • Modules also have types, they are called either module types or signatures
    • The latter term is used in math, e.g. “a DFA has signature D = (S, Σ, τ, s0, F)”
  • When a module is defined in a file, make a file simple_set.mli for its corresponding signature
    • the added “i” is for “interface”
  • You don’t need an .mli file if there is nothing to hide, the type will be inferred
    • But, even if nothing is hidden the .mli is good as a document of what is provided to users

So, here the simple_set.mli file from the above zip:

    type 'a t    (* hide the type 'a list here by not giving it in signature *)
    val emptyset : 'a t
    val add: 'a -> 'a t ->'a t
    val remove : 'a -> 'a t ->  ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t
    val contains: 'a -> 'a t ->  ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> bool 

Now if we dune utop with this added file we get

myshell $ dune utop
utop # Simple_set.add 4 Simple_set.emptyset;;
- : int Simple_set.t = <abstr>
  • Notice how the int list result type from before is now int Simple_set.t
    • it is the t type from module Simple_set and the parameter 'a there is instantiated to int.
  • Also notice that the value is <abstr>, not [4] like before; since the type is hidden so are the values
  • This is both
    • advantageous (program to interfaces, not implementations)
    • not adventageous (sometimes hard to see what is going on, also can make it harder to test)
  • We will come back to this topic later in the course

Making an OCaml executable

  • So far all we have made is libraries; let us now make a small OCaml executable.
  • We will make a main module Set_main (in file of course) which takes a string and a file name and looks for that line in the file.

Here is what we need to add to the dune file along with the above to build the executable:

  (name set_main)
  (libraries simple_set core)
  (modules set_main)
  • We will now inspect in VSCode so we can use the tool tips to check out various types

The Stdio.In_channel library

  • uses the In_channel module to read in file contents
  • It is part of the Stdio module (which is itself included in Core so Core.In_channel is the same as Stdio.In_channel)
  • The Documentation is here; we will go through it to observe a few points
    • First, now that we covered abstract types we can see there is an abstract type t here
    • As with our own set, it is “the underlinying data” for the module, in this case file handles
    • It is hidden though so we don’t get access to the details of how “files are handled”
    • If you are used to object-oriented programming you are looking for a constructor/new; in functional code look for functions that only return a t, that is making a new t: create here.

Optional arguments tangent

  • One topic we skipped over which is in many of these libraries is optional arguments
  • They are named arguments but you don’t need to give them, indicated by a ? before the name.
  • If you do give them, they are like named aguments, use ~name: syntax
  • e.g. in In_channel.create, val create : ?⁠binary:Base.bool -> Base.string -> t
    • an optional flag ~binary:true could be passed to make a binary file handle
    • example usage: In_channel.create ~binary:false "/tmp/wowfile"
  • Many languages now support optional arguments (not so 10 years ago - newer feature)

Writing your own functions with optional arguments is easy: the value passed in is an option type

# let f ?x y = match x with Some z -> z + y | None -> y;;
val f : ?x:int -> int -> int = <fun>
# f ~x:1 2;;
- : int = 3
# f 2;;
- : int = 2
  • Use them when they are the right thing: will reduce clutter of passing often un-needed items.

The Sys library

  • We are using this library to read in the command line args, via Sys.get_argv.
  • We will also take a quick look at its documentation here
    • Notice how this particular module has no carrier type t, it is just a collection of utility functions.

Running executables

  • If you declared an executable in dune as above, it will make a file my_main_module.exe so in our case that is set_main.exe
  • To exec it you can do dune exec ./src/set_main.exe "open Core" src/
  • Which is really just _build/default/src/set_main.exe "open Core" src/

Modules within modules

  • It is often useful to have modules inside of modules for further code “modularization”
  • The way it is declared is in e.g. (which defines the items in module Foo) add
    module Sub = struct 
     let blah = ...

    where the ... are the same kinds of declarations that are in files like

  • In the remainder of the file you can access the contents of Sub as Sub.blah, and outside of the file Foo.Sub.blah will access.
  • We in fact used nested modules in the assignments thus far to divvy into sections
    • We also included lines include Section1 etc after defining module Section1 which pastes the contents into the top level to avoid the need to nest.
    • Assignment 2 also includes some nested modules, this time with more purpose; we will take a look.