Lecture Schedule
Lectures will be 1:30-2:45 on Mondays and Wednesdays in Hackerman B17.
See the Dateline for the schedule and the topics that will be covered.
Gradescope will be used for assignment submission and grade posting. See the Q&A board for the entry code.
Courselore Q&A board
We will be using the Courselore Q&A board for online discussions. A registration link will be emailed if you are either registered or on the wait list, and the link will also be posted as an announcement on Canvas if you signed up late and missed the email. All information not on this website, such as locations of Panopto recordings, office hours, etc will be posted on Courselore.
Note we are not using Canvas for anything so don’t try accessing things like Gradescope or Panopto from within there as it probably won’t work.
Lecture Videos
Lectures will be recorded and the Panopto page for those recordings will be posted on Courselore.
All assignments are linked from the dateline. They will all be programming exercises, primarily in OCaml.
There will be no exam. There will be a quiz around 2/3rds of the way through the course.
There will be an independent team project at the end of the course worth around half of the course grade total. Demos will be held around the course final exam day.
Grades will be computed as follows: around 50% for projects, 35% for homeworks, and 15% for the quiz. There is no curve but the cutoffs can shift based on assignment difficulty; you can assume they will probably be at or close to the standard 90-80-70 for A/B/C based on previous years.
The collaboration policy for assignments is you are encouraged to discuss assignments with other students, but everyone must submit their own writeup of the answers (no emailing/DMing solutions to each other for example). You are also required to list all collaborators on your submission. Please make sure to consult the course Academic Integrity Policy on what is legitimate interaction for homeworks, it is spelled out in detail there.
Late HW Policy
You will be given eight total late days. For each unique due date submission point in Gradescope you can use up to three of your late days quota, each one allowing you to submit the assignment one day later. The quantum of lateness is the day, so if you are 15 seconds late that counts as a day late. If you have a cold or flu you can use the late days for such absences; if you have an extended excused absence contact Staff on Courselore and we can work something out. The late days are for the individual assignments, not the project submissions.
Office hours
Office hours will be pinned on Courselore.