Introduction to OCaml

(see the file if you want all of the ml examples in this file extracted out. See for the Markdown which you can Preview in VSCode like I am doing in lecture)


  • See the Coding page for install instructions and lots of other information.
  • Make sure to use the required version of OCaml, 5.2.0, install all the libraries listed via opam, and change your .ocamlinit file as mentioned on that page.
    • This will let us all “play in the same sandbox” and avoid confusion

The Ecosystem via Hello World in OCaml

  • Before getting into the details of the language we will cover the ecosystem at a high level

The top loop

  • Top loops allow you to type in small snippets of code which will run and produce a result.
    • e.g. shells like bash, Python’s python3, JavaScript node, etc.
  • The OCaml top loop is started with the shell command utop.
  • We will run the OCaml top loop and show you you can enter expressions such as 3+4, follow with ;; to indicate end of input (;; is required), and hit return to get the result
utop # 3+4;;
- : int = 7
  • Control-D will exit utop.

    The compile/run system

  • The compile/run mode is the cc/gcc/javac view and is also used in OCaml
  • In OCaml we can live in both worlds: both play with code in top loop, and can use a compiler to compile it to a binary.
  • Let’s cover how we will compile in OCaml. Suppose the following is in a file
open Core;; (* Make the Core libraries directly available *)
let hw = "hello" ^ "world";;
printf "the string is %s\n" hw
  • The actual compiler is ocamlc or ocamlopt, but we will not be directly invoking it
  • Instead we will operate at a higher level and use build tool dune to invoke the compiler
  • dune is a modern make/Makefile equivalent for OCaml which is very powerful.
  • So, in same directory, there should be a dune file with the following contents:
    (executable             ; create an executable
    (name helloworld)     ; need to give it a name
    (modules helloworld)  ; it consists of just one module,
    (libraries core)      ; indicates that the core libraries are used
  • This is the build file, specifying how to compile/test/run the program. The notation is S-expressions.
  • Also a file dune-project is needed with only (lang dune 3.16) in it.
  • Now, type dune build to compile this code as an executable.
  • All of the results are placed in the _build/ directory
  • Then, run with dune exec ./helloworld.exe - same as typing _build/default/helloworld.exe
  • We will be using dune to build libraries and binaries, and utop to play with them.
  • If you want to try these commands yourself the above and dune files are in this zip, just unzip and the dune commands above should work from within the helloworld directory.

OCaml Language Basics in utop

  • To start with we will only live in the top-loop world, but even on the first assignment you will start working in both worlds.
  • All the following are typed as input into utop with ;; ending input.


3 + 4;; (* outputs `- : int = 7` -- the value is 7, int is the type, "-" names no-name given *)
let x = 3 + 4;; (* give the value a name, via let. *)
let y = x + 5;; (* can use x now *)
let z = x + 5 in z - 1;; (* let .. in defines a local variable z *)
(* z is not defined here: z + 1 ;; will give an error. *)

Boolean operations

let b = true;;
b && false;;
true || false;;
1 = 2;; (* = not == for equality comparison; note = works on ints only in our OCaml setup *)
1 <> 2;;  (* <>, not !=, for not equal *)

Other basic data – see documentation for details

4.5;; (* floats *)
4.5 +. 4.3;; (* operations are +. etc not just + which is for ints only *)
30980314323422L;; (* 64-bit integers *)
'c';; (* characters *)
"and of course strings";;

Simple functions on integers

Let’s declare a function squared with x as its one parameter. return is implicit.

let squared x = x * x;; (* returns   val squared : int -> int = <fun>     *)
squared 4;; (* to call a function -- separate arguments with S P A C E S - ! *)
  • OCaml has no return statement; value of the whole body-expression is what gets returned
  • Type is automatically inferred and printed as domain -> range; int -> int here.
  • OCaml functions in fact always take only one argument - ! multiple arguments can be encoded (covered later)

Fibonacci series example - 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ...

Let’s write a well-known function with recursion and if-then-else syntax

let rec fib n =     (* the "rec" keyword needs to be added to allow recursion *)
  if n <= 0 then 0
  else if n = 1 then 1
  else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2);; (* notice again everything is an expression, no "return" *)

fib 10;; (* get the 10th Fibonacci number; 2^10 steps so don't make input too big! *)

Nested conditionals as above are generally avoided in OCaml since they are not so readable. For example here is an easier to read fib using pattern match notation similar to Java/C switch which we will cover in detail later:

let rec fib x = match x with
  | 0 -> 0 
  | 1 -> 1 
  | n -> fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2);;

Anonymous (aka un-named) functions

  • Key feature of FP: functions are just expressions; put them in variables, pass and return from other functions, etc.
  • Much of this course will be showing how this is useful
let add1 x = x + 1;; (* a normal add1 definition *)
add1 3;;
let anon_add1 = (function x -> x + 1);; (* equivalent to above; "x" is argument here *)
let anon_add1 = (fun x -> x + 1);;      (*  shorthand notation -- cut off the "ction" *)
anon_add1 3;;
(anon_add1 4) + 7;; 
((fun x -> x + 1) 4) + 7;; (* can inline anonymous function definition *)
  • Multiple arguments - just leave s p a c e s between multiple arguments in both definitions and uses
let add x y = x + y;;
add 3 4;;
(add 3) 4;; (* same meaning as previous application -- two applications, " " associates LEFT *)
let add3 = add 3;; (* No need to give all arguments at once!  Type of add is int -> (int -> int) - "CURRIED" *)
add3 4;;
add3 20;;
(+) 3 4;; (* Putting () around any infix operator turns it into a regular 2-argument function *)

Conclusion: add is a function taking an integer, and returning a function which takes ints to ints.
So, add is a higher-order function: it either takes a function as an argument, or returns a function as result.

Observe int -> int -> int is parenthesized as int -> (int -> int)right associativity which is opposite of arithmetic operators

Be careful on operator precedence with this goofy (aka stupid) way that function application doesn’t need parens!

add3 (3 * 2);;
add3 3 * 2;; (* NOT the previous - this is the same as (add3 3) * 2 - application binds tighter than * *)
add3 @@ 3 * 2;; (* LIKE the original - @@ is like the " " for application but binds LOOSER than other ops *)
  • = is also a 2-argument function; it is somewhat strange in our Core OCaml on non-ints:
    3.4 = 4.2;; (* errors, = only works on ints with the Core library in use *)
    Float.(3.3 = 4.4);; (* Solution: use the Float module's = function for floats *)
  • Why this apparent ugliness? Pay a price here but reap rewards later of never having the wrong notion of =.

Simple Structured Data Types: Option and Result

  • Before getting into “bigger” data types like lists and trees, let’s use one of the simplest structured data types, the built-in option type.
Some 5;;
- : int option = Some 5
  • All this does is “wrap” the 5 in the Some tag
  • Observe the type is int option, it is “optionally an integer”.
- : 'a option = None
  • Notice these are both in the option type .. either you have Some data or you have None.
  • option is similar to how you can have null or non-null objects in other languages, but it is explicit here.
  • These kinds of types with the capital-letter-named tags are called variants in OCaml; each tag wraps a different variant.
  • The option type is very useful; here is an oversimplified example.
# let nice_div m n = if n = 0 then None else Some (m / n);;
val nice_div : int -> int -> int option = <fun>
# nice_div 10 0;;
- : int option = None
# nice_div 10 2;;
- : int option = Some 5

There is a downside with this though, you can’t just use nice_div like /:

# (nice_div 5 2) + 7;;
Line 1, characters 0-14:
Error: This expression has type int option
       but an expression was expected of type int
  • Notice the type of the return value of nice_div, it is int option, not int
  • This type error is saying the + lhs needs to be type int but is a Some value which is not an int.

Here is a non-solution to that:

# let not_nice_div m n = if n = 0 then None else m / n;;
Line 1, characters 47-52:
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type
         'a option
  • The then and else branches must return the same type, here they do not.
  • The int and int option types have no overlap of members! Generally true across OCaml.
  • null or similar value can sneak in to a type in other languages, but no such sneaking in OCaml.
  • It can make a little more code sometimes but it is more exact/rigorous/debuggable

    Using pattern matching to use nice_div

Here is how we can in fact use nice_div:

# match (nice_div 5 2) with 
   | Some i -> i + 7 (* the nice_div result is (Some 2) and i is bound to the 2 by this pattern *)
   | None -> failwith "This should never happen, we divided by 2";;
- : int = 9
  • This shows how OCaml lets us destruct option values, via the match syntax.
  • match is similar to switch in C/Java/.. but is much more flexible in OCaml
  • The LHS in OCaml can be a general pattern which binds variables (the i here), etc
  • Note that we turned None into a runtime exception via failwith.


A very similar approach to the above is to use the result type, which like option but is specialized for error handling.

# let nicer_div m n = if n = 0 then Error "Divide by zero" else Ok (m / n);;
val nicer_div : int -> int -> (int, string) result = <fun>
  • The result type is explicitly intended for this case of failure-result
    • Ok means the normal result
    • Error is the error case, which unlike None can include failure data, usually a string.
  • Again we can do the same kind of pattern match on Ok/Error as above.
  • This is a “more well-typed” version of the C approach of returning -1 or NULL to indicate failure.
  • The Core libraries use both result and option for error cases
# match (nicer_div 5 2) with 
   | Ok i -> i + 7
   | Error s -> failwith s;;
- : int = 9

Lastly, the function could itself raise an exception in OCaml:

let div_exn m n = if n = 0 then failwith "divide by zero is bad!" else m / n;;
div_exn 3 4;;
  • This has the property of not needing a match on the result.
  • Note that the built-in / also raises an exception.
  • Exceptions are side effects though, we want to minimize their usage to avoid error-at-a-distance.
  • The above examples show how exceptional conditions can either be handled via exceptions or in the return value;
    • A key dimension of this course is this side effect vs direct passing trade-off
    • Many bugs, security leaks, etc are due to ignorance of side effects; the Error/Ok approach keeps them “in your face” as a programmer
    • Also recall Error/Ok keeps us completely in math-land, the return result tells everything.


  • Finally we can use a real data structure to write some real programs!
  • Lists are the most common data structure in OCaml, similar to dictionaries/objects for Python/JavaScript.
  • They are immutable so while they look something like arrays or vectors they are not
let l1 = [1; 2; 3];;
let l2 = [1; 1+1; 1+1+1];;
let l3 = ["a"; "b"; "c"];;
let l4 = [1; "a"];; (* error - All elements must have same type *)
let l5 = [];; (* empty list *)

Building lists

Lists are represented internally as binary trees with left child a leaf.

0 :: l1;; (* "::" is 'consing' 0 to the top of the tree - fast *)
0 :: (1 :: (2 :: (3 :: [])));; (* equivalent to [0;1;2;3] *)
[1; 2; 3] @ [4; 5];; (* appending lists - slower, needs to cons 3/2/1 on front of [4;5] *)
let z = [2; 4; 6];;
let y = 0 :: z;; (* in y, 0 is the *head* (first elt) of the list and z is the *tail* (rest of list) *)
z;; (* Observe z itself did not change -- recall lists are immutable in OCaml *)

Destructing Lists with pattern matching

  • Before writing real programs here is a simple example of pattern matching on a list.
  • This function gets the tail, the list without the first element.
let tl_exn l =
  match l with
  |  [] -> invalid_arg "empty lists have no tail"
  |  x :: xs -> xs  (* the pattern x :: xs  binds x to the first elt, xs to ALL the others *)
let l = [1;2;3];; 
let l' = tl_exn l;;
l;; (* Note: lists are immutable, l didn't change!! *)
let l'' =  tl_exn l' (* So to get tail of tail, take tail of l' not 2 x tail of l!  THREAD the state! *)
tl_exn [];; (* Raises an `invalid_arg` exception if the list had no tail *)
  • An alternative to avoid the exception effect is to return Ok/Error:
let tl l =
  match l with
  |  [] -> Error "empty list has no tail"
  |  x :: xs -> Ok xs
let l = [1;2;3];; 
let l' = tl l;;
tl [];;
let l'' = tl l' (* Oops this fails!  As in the div example above need to case on `Ok/Error` *)
  • Lists are not random access like arrays; if you want to get the nth element, you need to work for it.
let rec nth_exn l n =
  match l with
  |  [] -> invalid_arg "there is no nth element in this list"
  |  x :: xs -> if n = 0 then x else nth_exn xs (n-1)
nth_exn [33;22;11] 1;;
nth_exn [33;22;11] 3;;

Fortunately many common operations are already in the List module in the Core library:

# List.nth [1;2;3] 2;;
- : int option = Some 3
  • This library uses the option type instead of raising an exception like we did
  • List.nth_exn raises an exception like ours does. Both versions are useful.
    • Note this function is also Core.List.nth_exn but we always open Core;; to make Core module functions implicitly available
  • On Assignment 1 you cannot use List. libraries, you first need to practice using let rec
    • On Assignment 2 you will start using the List. libraries.