Coroutines for Asynchronous Concurrent Programming

Concurrency is needed for two main reasons

  1. You want to run things in parallel for speed gain (multi-core, cluster, etc)
  2. You are waiting for a result from an I/O action
    • Disk read/write, network request, remote API call, etc
    • (Sometimes also awaiting for internal actions such as time-outs)

In OCaml

  • Concurrency for speed gain is a recent addition to OCaml 5
    • We will cover a bit of OCaml 5 parallelism later
  • Concurrency to support asynchronous waiting: The Lwt and Async libraries

  • Local concurrency for speed is usually done via threads
    • fork off another computation with its own runtime stack etc but share the heap
  • But, threads are notoriously difficult to debug due to the number of interleavings
    • Can’t test all of the exponentially many ways parallel computations can interleave
    • 100’s of patches have been added to limit resource contention (channels, monitors, locks, ownership types, etc etc etc) but still hard
  • So, its often better to use a simpler system focused on waiting for I/O if that is all you really need
  • Key difference of a coroutine is no preemption - routine runs un-interrupted until it chooses to “yield”/”pause”.
  • Means that computations are still deterministic, much easier to debug!
  • Such an approach is called coroutines due to that term being used in some early PLs.

Coroutines in different languages

Coroutines are found in most modern PLs

  • Python has the built-in asyncio library
  • JavaScript has built-in async/await syntax
  • All other commonly-used languages have some third-party library

In OCaml there are currently two competing libraries

  • Async - a Jane Street library, very compatible with Core but not widely used so fewer other libraries use it.
  • Lwt - the standard library for coroutines in OCaml.
  • We will cover Lwt since most useful libraries are built over Lwt: Cohttp, Dream, and Opium for example.

Principles of Coroutines

  • The key use of coroutines is in the presence of I/O operations which may block
  • and, there are multiple I/O operations which are not required to be run in a fixed sequence.
    • For example if you need to read one file and write a tranform to another file and that is it, there is no concurrency, no need for coroutines.
    • But if there are some independent actions or events they are very useful, it will allow the actions to proceed concurrently in the OS layer.

Motivating the Need: Photomontage App

  • Suppose you want to read a bunch of images from different URLs on the Internet and make a collage of them
  • You would like to process them in the order they show up, no need to wait for all the images to come in
  • Also if one load is slow don’t block all the subsequent loads
    • Kick them all off at the start, then process as they come in
    • Some loads could be from dead URLs so will need to time out on those
  • There are some sequencing requirements as well
    • Process each image as it comes in (e.g. make 100x100)
    • Once all images are in and processed or timed out, a collage is created.

Idea of the implementation

Q: How do we allow these loads to happen concurrently without fork/threads/parallelism?
A: Use coroutines to split I/O actions in two:

  1. Issue each image request
  2. Package up the processing code (the continuation) as a function which will run when each load completes
  3. The coroutine system will run the continuation function when the load is done.

It might seem awkward to package up the continuation as a function but we already did that!

Monad-think on the above:

let img_load url =
bind (* code to issue image request and pause *) 
     (fun img -> (* the continuation: processing code to run after this image loaded *) )

which is, in let%bind notation,

let img_load url =
let%bind img = (* code to issue image request and pause *) in
  (* processing code to run after this image loaded*)

(Note, Lwt uses let%lwt or let* instead of let%bind)

  • Observe how bind is naturally making the continuation a function
  • So we will be using bind a lot when writing coroutine code in OCaml
  • In general Lwt is also a monad

The full loading task here

  • Suppose for simplicity there are only two images.
  • We eventually need to wait for these loads to finish, here is how.
let p1 = img_load url1 in
let p2 = img_load url2 in
(* We immediately get to this line, the above just kicks off the requests *)
(* p1 and p2 are called "promises" for the actual values *)
(* They are the underlying monadic values, we will see that below *)
(* .. we can do any other processing here .. *)
(* When we finally need the results of the above we again use bind: *)
let%lwt load1 = p1 in
let%lwt load2 = p2 in ...
(* ... we will get here once both loads are finished -- promises fulfulled 
   Note we can also Lwt.choose to get the first one completed 
   - process them as they come in.. more below on this *)
  • The monad behind the scenes has a data structure holding all the continuations
    (the two image processing actions in this case)
  • It will call those continuations when the low-level URL load has completed
    • in Lwt terminology, when the promise is fulfilled.

Running Lwt

  • The above is some high level idea of the use of coroutines
  • We will now fire up Lwt, first in the top-loop
  • See The manual for all the details

To run Lwt from utop do

#require "lwt";;
#require "lwt.unix";; (* if you also want Lwt-ized I/O functions like file read/write etc *)
#require "lwt_ppx";; (* for the let%lwt syntax; need to `opam install lwt_ppx` first *)

And you might also want to do this to put the functions at the top level.

open Lwt;;

Promise basics

This example shows the Lwt version of read_line in action.

let%lwt str = Lwt_io.read_line Lwt_io.stdin in Lwt_io.printf "You typed %S\n" str;;
  • This example looks just like the built-in read_line except for the %lwt; here is why Lwt version is better:
let p = Lwt_io.read_line Lwt_io.stdin in 
printf "See how read not blocking now\n"; Stdio.Out_channel.flush stdout; 
let%lwt str = p in Lwt_io.printf "You typed %S\n" str;;

Lets expand the let%lwt to bind to make this more clear:

let p = Lwt_io.read_line Lwt_io.stdin in 
printf "See how read not blocking now\n"; Stdio.Out_channel.flush stdout; 
Lwt.bind p (fun str -> Lwt_io.printf "You typed %S\n" str);;

What is going on here?

  • The first line immediately completes and returns a promise, p, of type string Lwt.t
    • “I promise I will eventually turn into a pumpkin string”
    • We can use Lwt.state to look at what the state the promise p is on the way to completion
      • Sleep means nothing has happened yet (no input)
      • Return v means it has been fulfilled with v as the value (the input string in above case)
      • Fail exn means it failed with exception condition exn.
      • Both Return and Fail are resolved (finished) promises
  • The let%lwt above is let%bind but for Lwt - syntactic sugar for bind
    • Lwt is a monad where 'a Lwt.t is a promise for a 'a value.
    • As in any monad, let%lwt x = <a promise> in .. x normal here .. will take a promise back to normal-land
    • To do this, the in of the let%lwt will need to block until that resolution.

Here is a top-loop example showing some of these promise states; code is a bit convoluted to be able to see results.

 let s,p = let p0 = Lwt_io.read_line Lwt_io.stdin in (Lwt.state p0, p0);; (* state is Sleep - input not read yet*)
 (* type something at utop and hit return now - not shown for some reason - this is the input *)
 Lwt.state p;; (* returns `Return <the string you typed>` *)
 (* Here is a failure state.  It is an exception internal to `Lwt`, it doesn't get `raise`d in OCaml except at top *)
 let p' = Exit in Lwt.state p';;

Making our own promises

We can make (and directly resolve) our own promises; this also shows what Lwt_io.read_line et al are doing under the hood

let p = return "done";; (* This is the return of Lwt monad - inject a regular value as a "fulfilled" promise *)
state p;; (* indeed it is already resolved to a `Return`. *)
let p, r = wait ();; (* `wait` starts a promise aSleep; r is a resolver used to resolve it later *)
state p;; (* Sleep *)
wakeup_exn r Exit;; (* `wakeup_exn` makes p a failure  *)
state p;; (* Now a `Fail Exit`.  Note once resolved it is all done, can't Sleep/Return *)

let p, r = wait ();; (* another one, lets resolve this one positively *)
wakeup r "hello";;
state p;; (* now a Return "hello" *)

Lwt in an executable

  • It is hard to see what is going on in the top loop with coroutines
  • We switch to some small executable examples now.
  • See for a zipfile of the examples (most from Lwt manual)

  • Here is an example of promise resolution in an executable
  • kicks off the whole thing
    (let three_seconds : unit Lwt.t = Lwt_unix.sleep 3. in
     let five_seconds : unit Lwt.t = Lwt_unix.sleep 5. in
     let%lwt () = three_seconds in
     let%lwt () = Lwt_io.printl "3 seconds passed" in
     let%lwt () = five_seconds in
     Lwt_io.printl "Only 2 more seconds passed")

What is doing exactly? (return "hello")
  • This runs the 'a Lwt.t computation supplied until all promises are resolved, and returns the final value if any.
  • Any main executable using Lwt usually calls this at the top, and when all promises are resolved the app can usually terminate.
  • Note its type: 'a t -> 'a which is what run should be in monad-land: get us out of the monad somehow
    • A common error is to try to call on your own to get out of monad-land but that won’t work, it will destroy all the previous promises.
    • Moral: once in monad-land, always in monad-land when using Lwt in an executable. Or at least til all I/O done.

More operations on Promises

  • One common operation is when you have launched a bunch of I/O requests to be able to respond when only one of them has come back
  • The Lwt combinator for that is choose which picks a resolved promise from a list of promises
let () =
   let p_1 =
     let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 3. in
     Lwt_io.printl "Three seconds elapsed"

   let p_2 =
     let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 5. in
     Lwt_io.printl "Five seconds elapsed"

   let p_3 = Lwt.choose [ p_1; p_2 ] in (* Lwt.join will resolve when both finish *) p_3
  • If you use join instead of choose above it will block until all are resolved.
    • They don’t return any value with join, unlike with choose
  • You can also create promises which can be cancelled; use task instead of wait to make those
    • Anything waiting on that promise (e.g. any let%lwt on it etc) are recursively cancelled
    • See the manual for how you can cancel promises created with task.

Launching a new Coroutine

  • Lwt.async can launch a new coroutine
  • The engine will then round-robin between all the active coroutines
  • The coroutine will at some point need to do an Lwt operation so it can yield to others
let () =
   let rec show_nag () : _ Lwt.t =
     let%lwt () = Lwt_io.printl "Please enter a line" in
     let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 1. in
     show_nag ()
   Lwt.async (fun () -> show_nag ()); begin
     let%lwt line = Lwt_io.(read_line stdin) in
     Lwt_io.printl line

Here is an example that shows how Lwt.pause is used in a compute-intensive task to let other coroutines run

let () =
  let rec handle_io () =
    let%lwt () = Lwt_io.printl "Handling I/O" in
    let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.1 in
    handle_io ()

  let rec compute n =
    if n = 0 then Lwt.return ()
      let%lwt () =
        if n mod 1_000_000 = 0 then Lwt.pause () else Lwt.return ()
      compute (n - 1)

  Lwt.async handle_io; (compute 100_000_000)

For more details on the internals see This Lwt tutorial