List programming

  • First we will do a few more recursive functions over lists
  • Then we will show how the Core.List library functions allow a great many (most?) operations to be written without recursion
  • This is combinator programming, solve a task by composing operations on a few standard combinators (“combiners”)
  • (Note for Assignment 1 Part I you will not be able to use the library combinators, they are for Part II)

Reversing a list

  • Let us write a somewhat more interesting function, reversing a list.
  • Lists are immutable so it is going to create a completely new list, not change the original.
  • This style of programming is called “Data structure corresponds to control flow” - the program needs to touch and reconstruct the whole data structure as it runs.
let rec rev l =
  match l with
  |  [] -> []
  |  hd :: tl -> rev tl @ [hd]
rev [1;2;3];; (* recall input list is the tree 1 :: ( 2 :: ( 3 :: [])) *)
  • Correctness of a recursive function by induction: assume recursive call does what you expect in arguing it is overall correct.
  • For this example, can assume rev tl always reverses the tail of the list,
    • (e.g. in computing rev [1;2;3] we match hd = 1 and tl = [2;3] and can assume rev [2;3] = [3;2] )
  • Given that fact, rev tl @ [hd] should clearly reverse the whole list
    • (e.g. [3;2] @ [1] = [3;2;1] for the example)
  • QED, the function is proved correct! (actually partially correct, this induction argument does not rule out infinite loops)

Of course rev is also in Core.List since it is a common operation:

# List.rev [1;2;3];;
- : int list = [3; 2; 1]

Another Example: zero out all the negative elements in a list of numbers

  • C solution: for-loop over it and mutate all negatives to 0
  • OCaml immutable list solution: recurse on list structure, building the new list as we go
let rec zero_negs l =
  match l with
  |  [] -> []
  |  hd :: tl -> (if hd < 0 then 0 else hd) :: zero_negs tl
zero_negs [1;-2;3];;

Core.List library functions

  • We already saw a few of these previously, e.g. List.rev and List.nth.
  • List is a module, think fancy package. It contains functions plus values plus types plus even other modules
  • List is itself in the module Core so the full name for rev is Core.List.rev
    • but we put an open Core in our .ocamlinit (and in the template for A1) so you can just write e.g. List.rev
  • (Note that List.hd is also available, but you should nearly always be pattern matching to take apart lists; don’t use List.hd on the homework.)
  • Let us peek at the documentation Core.List to see what is available; we will cover a few of them now.

Some simple but very handy List library functions

List.length ["d";"ss";"qwqw"];;
List.is_empty [];;
List.last_exn [1;2;3];; (* get last element; raises an exception if list is empty *)
List.join [[1;2];[22;33];[444;5555]];;
List.append [1;2] [3;4];; (* Usually the infix @ syntax is used for append *)

… And their types

  • The types of the functions are additional hints to their purpose, get used to reading them
  • Much of the time when you mis-use a function you will get a type error
  • Recall that 'a list etc is a polymorphic aka generic type, 'a can be any type
# List.length;;
- : 'a list -> int = <fun>
# List.is_empty;;
- : 'a list -> bool = <fun>
# List.last_exn;;
- : 'a list -> 'a = <fun>
# List.join;;
- : 'a list list -> 'a list = <fun>
# List.append;;
- : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
#;;  (* We will do this one below *)
- : 'a list -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b list = <fun>
  • We coded nth and rev before, here is one more, join:
let rec join (l: 'a list list) = match l with
  | [] -> [] (* "joining together a list of no-lists is an empty list" *)
  | l :: ls -> l @ join ls (* "by induction assume (join ls) will turn list-of-lists to single list" *)

OCaml tuples and some List library functions using tuples

  • Along with lists [1;2;3] OCaml has tuples, (1,2.,"3")
  • It is like a fixed-length list, but tuple elements can have different types
  • You can also pattern match on tuples
# (1,2.,"3");;
- : int * float * string = (1, 2., "3")
# [1,2,3];; (* a common error, parens not always needed so this is a singleton list of a 3-tuple, not a list of ints *)
- : (int * int * int) list = [(1, 2, 3)]
  • Here is a simple function to break a list in half using the List.split_n function
    • a pair of lists is returned by split_n, dividing it at the nth position
let split_in_half l = List.split_n l (List.length l / 2);;
split_in_half [2;3;4;5;99];;
  • Now, using the List.cartesian_product function we can make all possible pairs of (front,back) elements
    • (Also observe how these OCaml combinators have overlap with math combinators we already knew)
let all_front_back_pairs l = 
  let front, back = split_in_half l in 
    List.cartesian_product front back;; (* observe how let can itself pattern match pairs *)
val all_front_back_pairs : 'a list -> ('a * 'a) list = <fun>
# all_front_back_pairs [1;2;3;4;5;6];;
- : (int * int) list =
[(1, 4); (1, 5); (1, 6); (2, 4); (2, 5); (2, 6); (3, 4); (3, 5); (3, 6)]
  • Fact: lists of pairs are isomorphic to pairs of lists (of the same length)
  • zipping and unzipping library functions can convert between these two equivalent forms.
List.unzip @@ all_front_back_pairs [1;2;3;4;5;6];;
  • Note the use of @@ here, recall it is function application but with “loosest binding”, avoids need for parens
  • Here is an even cooler way to write the same thing, with pipe operation |> (based on shell pipe |)
[1;2;3;4;5;6] |> all_front_back_pairs |> List.unzip;;
  • In a series of pipes, the leftmost argument is data, and all the others are functions
  • The data is fed into first function, output of first function fed as input to second, etc
  • This is exactly what the shell | does with standard input / standard output.
  • Please use pipes as much as possible on Part II of Assignment 1 - will make the code more readable

  • is the opposite of unzip: take two lists and make a single list pairing elements [1;2;3] [4;5;6];;
- : (int * int) list List.Or_unequal_lengths.t =
Core.List.Or_unequal_lengths.Ok [(1, 4); (2, 5); (3, 6)]
  • The strange result type is dealing with the case where the lists supplied may not be same length
  • This type and value are hard to read, let us take a crack at it.
  • ((int * int) list) List.Or_unequal_lengths.t is the proper parentheses.
  • List.Or_unequal_lengths.t is referring to the type t found in the List.Or_unequal_lengths module (a small module within the List module)
    • one of the great things about modules is they can also contain types (like C .h files but more principled)
  • We can use the #show_type directive in the top loop to see what t actually is:
# #show_type List.Or_unequal_lengths.t;;
type nonrec 'a t = 'a List.Or_unequal_lengths.t = Ok of 'a | Unequal_lengths
  • This means the value is either Ok(..) or Unequal_lenghts, very similar to result or option
    • (Why don’t they just use one of those two here instead?? No idea!)
  • The 'a here is the type parameter, more on those later so don’t sweat it now
  • The latter case is for zipping lists of different lengths: [1;2;3] [4;5];;
- : (int * int) list List.Or_unequal_lengths.t =
  • In the original same-length case we got the result from the first clause in this type, Core.List.Or_unequal_lengths.Ok [(1, 4); (2, 5); (3, 6)].
  • Note List.zip_exn will just raise an exception for unequal-length lists, avoiding all of this wrapper ugliness
    • but in larger programs we want to avoid exceptions at a distance so it is often worth the suffering

zip/unzip and Currying

We should be able to zip and then unzip as a no-op, one should undo the other (we will use the _exn version to avoid the above error wrapper issue).

List.unzip @@ List.zip_exn [1;2] [3;4];;

And the reverse should also work as it is an isomorphism:

List.zip_exn @@ List.unzip [(1, 3); (2, 4)];;
Line 1, characters 16-43:
Error: This expression has type int list * int list
       but an expression was expected of type 'a list
  • Oops! It fails. What happened here?
  • List.zip_exn takes two curried arguments, lists to zip (its type is 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list ), whereas List.unzip returns a pair of lists.
  • No worries, we can write a wrapper (an adapter) turning List.zip_exn into a version taking a pair of lists:
let zip_pair (l,r) = List.zip_exn l r in 
zip_pair @@ List.unzip [(1, 3); (2, 4)];;
[(1, 3); (2, 4)] |> List.unzip|> zip_pair ;; (* Pipe equivalent form *)
  • Congratulations, we just wrote a fancy no-op function 😁
  • The general principle here is a curried 2-argument function like int -> int -> int is isomorphic to int * int -> int
  • The latter form looks more like a standard function taking multiple arguments and is the uncurried form.
  • And we sometimes need to interconvert between the two representations
  • This conversion is called uncurrying (curried to pair/triple/etc form) or currying (putting it into curried form)

Curry/Uncurry are themselves functions

  • We can even write combinators which generically convert between these two forms - !
  • curry - takes in uncurried 2-arg function and returns a curried version
  • uncurry - takes in curried 2-arg function and returns an non-curried version
let curry f = fun x -> fun y -> f (x, y);;
let uncurry f = fun (x, y) -> f x y;;

Observe the types themselves in fact fully define their behavior:

curry : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c

We can now use our new combinator to build zip_pair directly:

let zip_pair  = uncurry @@ List.zip_exn;;

One last higher-order function: compose

Composition function g o f: take two functions, return their composition

let compose g f = (fun x -> g (f x));;
compose (fun x -> x+3) (fun x -> x*2) 10;;
  • The type says it all again, ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b
  • Equivalent ways to code compose in OCaml:
let compose g f x =  g (f x);;
let compose g f x =  x |> f |> g;; (* This is the readability winner: feed x into f and f's result into g *)
let compose = (fun g -> (fun f -> (fun x -> g(f x))));;
  • We can express the Zip/unzip composition explicitly with compose:
# (compose zip_pair List.unzip) [(1, 3); (2, 4)];;
- : (int * int) list = [(1, 3); (2, 4)]

List module functions which take function arguments

  • So far we have done the “easier” functions in List; the real meat are the functions taking other functions
  • Think of these as “recursion patterns”, they will recurse over the list so you don’t have to let rec
    • makes functional code a lot easier to read once you are familiar with these “recursion combinators”
  • Lets warm up with List.filter: remove all elements not meeting a condition which we supply a function to check
List.filter [1;-1;2;-2;0] (fun x -> x >= 0);;
  • Cool, we can “glue in” any checking function (boolean-returning, i.e. a predicate) and List.filter will do the rest
  • Note though that we got a strange warning on the above, “label f was omitted” - ??
  • This is because List.filter has type 'a list -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a list – the f: is declaring a named argument
  • OCaml 5 gives warnings if you leave off a name so please always use them
  • We can put args out of order if we give name via ~f: syntax:
List.filter ~f:(fun x -> x >= 0) [1;-1;2;-2;0];;
  • And, since OCaml functions are Curried we can leave off the list argument to make a generic remove-negatives function.
let remove_negatives = List.filter ~f:(fun x -> x >= 0);;
remove_negatives  [1;-1;2;-2;0];;

Note that you can either inline the function as a fun or can declare it in advance:

let gtz x = x >= 0;;
List.filter ~f:gtz [1;-1;2;-2;0];;

Usually for short functions it is better to inline them, it makes the code more readable.

Let us use filter to write a function determining if a list has any negative elements:

let has_negs l = l |> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> x < 0) |> List.is_empty |> not;;
  • The example shows the power of pipelining, it is easier to see the processing order with |>
  • This is a common operation so there is a library function for it as well: does there exist any element in the list where predicate holds?
let has_negs l = List.exists ~f:(fun x -> x < 0) l;;

Similarly, List.for_all checks if it holds for all elements.

  • is super powerful, apply some operation we supply to every element of a list:
# ~f:(fun x -> x + 1) [1;-1;2;-2;0];;
- : int list = [2; 0; 3; -1; 1]
# ~f:(fun x -> x >= 0) [1;-1;2;-2;0];;
- : bool list = [true; false; true; false; true] ~f:(fun (x,y) -> x + y) [(1,2);(3,4)];; (* turns list of number pairs into list of their sums *)


  • Some of the most powerful combinators are the folds: fold_right, and fold_left aka simply fold.
  • They “fold together” list data using an operator.
  • Think of fold as something you feed just the “base case” and the “recursive case” code to and it makes a recursive function for you.
  • Here for example is how we can summate all elements in a list using fold_right
# List.fold_right ~f:(+) ~init:0 [3; 5; 7];; (* this computes 3 + (5 + (7 + 0))  *)
- : int = 15
  • The ~f parameter is the binary operation to put between list elements, + in this example;
  • The ~init is the base case of the recursion. It is needed here because + is a binary operator so an initial value is needed to fold for 0/1 length lists

Note that the + is not symmetrical in this sequence, fold_right feeds the individual elements (elt) into the left side of + and the accumulated value (accum) is on the right, more clear in this equivalent syntax:

List.fold_right ~f:(fun elt accum -> elt + accum) ~init:0 [3; 5; 7];;
  • accum here gets the accumulated value so far (think result of the recursive call fold is doing for you)
  • elt is the most recent element to fold in to the accumulated result.
  • For fold_right the + is parenthesized in right-associative form, that is the “right”. There is also a fold_left, see below

Left folding

  • List.fold_left aka List.fold (use the latter syntax) associates left:
# List.fold ~f:(+) ~init:0 [3; 5; 7];; (* this is ((0 + 3) + 5) + 7 *)
- : int = 15

Which being more explicit about the elt and accum of the + is

# List.fold ~f:(fun accum elt -> accum + elt) ~init:0 [3; 5; 7];; (* this is ((0 + 3) + 5) + 7 *)
- : int = 15
  • Here since it is a fold left the accumulator is on the left (compare with folding right above)
    • the arguments to f are swapped to make that more clear
  • Note that for ~f:(+), folding left or right gives the same answer;
    • but, that is only because + happens to be commutative and associative.
  • For example, List.fold ~f:(-) ~init:0 [1;2] is (0 - 1) - 2 is -3 and List.fold_right ~f:(-) ~init:0 [1;2] is 1 - (2 - 0) is -1

More general use of folds

  • The type of List.fold is 'a list -> init:'accum -> f:('accum -> 'a -> 'accum) -> 'accum
  • Note how the two parameters of f need not be the same type
  • The 'a here is the type of the list elements
  • The 'accum is the type of the result being accumulated, which could be different than the type of list elements

Here is a simple fold example where these types are different (here 'a is char and 'accum is string):

List.fold ['a';'b';'c'] ~init:"" ~f:(fun accum -> fun elt -> accum^(Char.to_string elt));;
  • As we saw above, elt is the list element and accum is the accumulator, the result thus far.
    • Think inductively about folding: you can assume accum properly accumulated the result you want on the tail of the list, just take the head (elt) and combine with accum in the f body to get the final result and you are good.

We can also compute the same thing with fold_right:

utop # List.fold_right ['a';'b';'c'] ~init:"" ~f:(fun elt -> fun accum -> (Char.to_string elt)^accum);;
  • Notice that the arguments to f are swapped here compared to the fold left version
    • in fold f should be a fun accum elt -> ... of type ('accum -> 'a -> 'accum) and
    • in fold_right it should be fun elt accum -> ... of type ('a -> 'accum -> 'accum)
  • Also notice we shifted where the ^accum is
    • in the fold left, accum is accumulating the left elements of the list so far, so put new char on back
    • in fold right accum is the accumulation of the right (tail) elements so put new char on front

A few more fold examples

We can implement List.exists above with map and fold:

let exists l ~f =  (* Note: ~f is **declaring** a named argument f *) ~f l    (* ~f as an argument is shorthand for ~f:f *)
  |> List.fold ~f:(||) ~init:false;;
# exists ~f:(fun x -> x >= 0) [-1;-2];;
- : bool = false
# exists ~f:(fun x -> x >= 0) [1;-2];;
- : bool = true

Or, just with a fold:

let exists l ~f = 
  List.fold l ~f:(fun accum elt -> accum || f elt) ~init:false;;
let map l ~f = List.fold ~f:(fun accum elt -> accum @ [f elt]) ~init:[] l

This function is identical to described above.

If you wanted to use fold_right to build map it would be similar but not the same:

let map_right l ~f = List.fold_right ~f:(fun elt accum -> [f elt] @ accum) ~init:[] l;;

This is similar to the char list to string operation above.

Folding and efficiency

Here is possible code for fold_right to help understand it:

let rec fold_right ~f l ~init =
  match l with
  | [] -> init
  | hd::tl -> f hd (fold_right ~f tl ~init) (* observe it is invoking f after the recursive call *)

Code for fold aka fold_left:

let rec fold l ~init ~f =
  match l with
  | [] -> init
  | hd::tl -> fold tl ~init:(f init hd) ~f (*observe f is invoked before the call -- accumulating left-first *)
  • Note that the first parameter to f in fold is the accumulated value passed down and the second parameter is the current list value
  • In fold_right on the other hand the f computation happens after the recursive call is complete.
  • Fold left/right are good example contrasts of how you can accumulate a value up (fold_right) vs down (fold) the recursion

fold is in fact more efficient than fold_right so it is preferred all things being equal:

  • Observe how the value of the fold function above is what is directly returned from the recursion
  • Such a function is tail recursive
  • The compiler doesn’t need to use a call stack for such functions since nothing happens upon return
    • so it replaces push/pop with jumps in and one jump out when done – its just a loop.
  • Important when lists get really long that you don’t use stack unless required.
  • Observe that fold_right is not tail recursive, so it needs the stack and will be slower


  • Let us end on perhaps the most powerful List combinator of all, fold_until.
  • This is an extention to fold adding the functionality of break of C etc looping but in a functional style.
let summate_til_zero l =
  List.fold_until l ~init:0
    ~f:(fun acc i -> match i, acc with
        | 0, sum -> Stop sum
        | _, sum -> Continue (i + sum))
let stz_example = summate_til_zero [1;2;3;4;0;5;6;7;8;9;10]
  • The Stop variant is like break, here take sum as the final value
  • Continue wraps the continue-folding case, which adds i to running sum here.
  • ~finish can post-process the result if the Stop case was not hit; is fun x -> x, no additional processing here.