More Modules and Libraries

Tangent: more on ppx_jane and deriving

  • Recall [@@deriving equal] in the nucleotide example to get an = on that type “for free”:
(* Needs #require "ppx_jane";; in top loop, 
   and (preprocess (pps (ppx_jane))) in as part of the library declaration 
   (i.e. it is (library (name ..)  .. (preprocess ... )) - one of the library decl components) *)
# type nucleotide = A | C | G | T [@@deriving equal];;
type nucleotide = A | C | G | T
val equal_nucleotide : nucleotide -> nucleotide -> bool = <fun>
  • [@@zibbo...] notation in code indicates the line is processed by the macro named ppx_zibbo
  • The equal is a parameter to the macro, here it is which deriving extension is added
  • The [@@deriving equal] in particular causes an equal_nucleotide function to be automatically generated
  • Without this function we would have to use pattern matching to write our own equality.

Composing deriving equal

  • If we have an xyy_equal function on component types, deriving can derive equal for a type built from those components. For example equality on lists of nucleotides:
# type n_list = nucleotide list [@@deriving equal];;
type n_list = nucleotide list
val equal_n_list : n_list -> n_list -> bool = <fun>
# equal_n_list [A;A;A] [A;G;A];;
- : bool = false
# type n_queue = nucleotide Queue.t [@@deriving equal];;
type n_queue = nucleotide Core.Queue.t
val equal_n_queue : n_queue -> n_queue -> bool = <fun>
  • Notice that the Core libraries are designed to play well as they have List.equal, Queue.equal built in
    • But, List.equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> bool – it needs = on the underlying list data.
    • This is a bit annoying as you keep having to pass = for members to check ' for lists
    • .. we will eventually make a solid fix to this below
  • Note that in general for a component type that is the t of a module, the name looked for is My_module.equal instead of t_equal - you can say Float.equal and don’t need to say Float.t_equal.

Some other useful @@deriving type accessor extensions in ppx_jane

  • sexp generates S-expression printable representations of types which is handy for displaying data internals
  • S-expressions are a general data format like JSON or XML, in fact they are the first such format
# type nucleotide = A | C | G | T [@@deriving equal, sexp];;
type nucleotide = A | C | G | T
val equal_nucleotide : nucleotide -> nucleotide -> bool = fun
val nucleotide_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> nucleotide = fun
val sexp_of_nucleotide : nucleotide -> Sexp.t = fun
# type n_list = nucleotide list [@@deriving equal, sexp];;
type n_list = nucleotide list
type n_list = nucleotide list
val equal_n_list : n_list -> n_list -> bool = fun
val n_list_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> n_list = fun
val sexp_of_n_list : n_list -> Sexp.t = fun
# sexp_of_n_list [A;G;G];;
- : Sexp.t = (A G G) (* this is the "S-Expression" version of a list.. parens and spaces *)
# n_list_of_sexp (Sexp.of_string "(A G G)");; (* how to convert in the other direction *)
- : n_list = [A; G; G]
  • [@@deriving compare] is analogous to equal except it makes a compare function instead of equal
  • We covered this in the variants lecture
# type nucleotide = A | C | G | T [@@deriving compare];;
type nucleotide = A | C | G | T
val compare_nucleotide : nucleotide -> nucleotide -> int = fun
# compare_nucleotide A C;;
- : int = -1
utop # compare_nucleotide C A;;
- : int = 1

JSON format manipulation

  • Core does not have libraries for dealing with JSON unfortunately.
    • sexp is the “JSON of the OCaml universe”
  • But, if you need it, someone else has made such a macro library, ppx_deriving_yojson which works with the yojson library to do something like what deriving sexp above did.
  • With these libraries you can trivially define a to/from JSON format function on any type
  • this will save wear and tear on your fingers, no need to convert.
# #require "ppx_deriving_yojson";; (* see the ppx_deriving_yojson docs linked in HW for `dune` use *)
# type nucleotide = A | C | G | T [@@deriving yojson];;
type nucleotide = A | C | G | T
val nucleotide_to_yojson : nucleotide -> Yojson.Safe.t = fun
val nucleotide_of_yojson :
  Yojson.Safe.t -> nucleotide Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or = <fun>
# nucleotide_to_yojson A;;
- : Yojson.Safe.t = `List [`String "A"] (* This is an OCaml inferred variant type *)
# type n_list = nucleotide list [@@deriving yojson];; (* extend to lists of nuc's *)
type n_list = nucleotide list
val n_list_to_yojson : n_list -> Yojson.Safe.t = <fun>
val n_list_of_yojson :
  Yojson.Safe.t -> n_list Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or = <fun>
# n_list_to_yojson [A;A;G];;
- : Yojson.Safe.t =
`List [`List [`String "A"]; `List [`String "A"]; `List [`String "G"]]
# [A;A;G] |> n_list_to_yojson |> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string |> print_endline;;
[ [ "A" ], [ "A" ], [ "G" ] ]
- : unit = ()
  • See the docs for more examples, in particular for records which is the bread and butter of JSON data: key-value collections.
  • Aside: ppx_deriving_yojson is not compatible with ppx_jane so if you want to derive equality and comparisons along with yojson you need to use #require "ppx_deriving.eq";; / [@@deriving eq] and #require "ppx_deriving.ord";; / [@@deriving ord] in place of the equal/compare deriving in ppx_jane.

    Defining Modules in the top loop or nesting them in a file

  • Modules can be defined in the top loop just like how we had defined nested modules in a file
  • Basic idea to input a module in top-loop: write module My_module = struct ... end with file contents inserted into the “…” part
  • struct stands for structure, modules used to be called that in OCaml; view a struct as a synonym of a module.
  • Simple set example put in top-loop syntax:
# module Simple_set = struct 
open Core
type 'a t = 'a list
let emptyset : 'a t = []
let add (x : 'a) (s : 'a t) = (x :: s)
let rec remove (x : 'a) (s: 'a t) (equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool) =
  match s with
  | [] -> failwith "item is not in set"
  | hd :: tl ->
    if equal hd x then tl
    else hd :: remove x tl equal
let rec contains (x: 'a) (s: 'a t) (equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool) =
  match s with
  | [] -> false
  | hd :: tl ->
    if equal x hd then true else contains x tl equal
module Simple_set :
    type 'a t = 'a list
    val emptyset : 'a t
    val add : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
    val remove : 'a -> 'a t -> ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t
    val contains : 'a -> 'a t -> ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> bool
# Simple_set.emptyset;;
- : 'a list = []
  • Notice how it infers a module type (aka signature, the old name for a module type – sig at the start is for signature)
  • We can also declare module types and explicitly declare along with the module
  • Modules are to .ml files as Module types are to .mli files
  • Use module type Type_name_here = ... type here ... to declare module types (.mli file equivalents):
module type Simple_set = (* module and module type namespaces are distinct, can re-use name *)
    (* everything before the end below is what would be in an equivalent .mli file declaring this type *)
    type 'a t (* Do some type hiding here *)
    val emptyset : 'a t
    val add : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
    val remove : 'a -> 'a t -> ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t
    val contains : 'a -> 'a t -> ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> bool

Then can replace module Simple_set = struct .. end with

module Simple_set : Simple_set = struct ... end

and it will define the module with the above signature on it


  • Functors are simply parametric modules, i.e. functions from modules to modules
  • They let us define a generic code library to which we can plug in some concrete code
    • in other words, just like what higher-order functions do except for modules
    • the main advantage is we get to include types as parameters since modules have types in them: very powerful!!
  • Note that you don’t want to make every dependent module a parameter as that would get too confusing.
    • dune automatically makes referenced libraries available so most of the time that is the way one module uses another.
  • Functors are needed when the parameter module can be more than one thing.

    Simple Functors Example

  • Lets use a functor to fix the problem of the equal function needed as a parameter to remove and contains on our Simple_set module.
  • (Note the Core libraries also do this for Core.Set for example)
(* The following module type is "some data type plus = on it" *)
module type Eq = sig 
type t
val equal: t -> t -> bool 

module Simple_set_functor (M: Eq) = 
open Core
type t = M.t list
let emptyset : t = []
let add (x : M.t) (s : t) = (x :: s)
let rec remove (x : M.t) (s: t) =
  match s with
  | [] -> failwith "item is not in set"
  | hd :: tl ->
    if M.equal hd x then tl
    else hd :: remove x tl
let rec contains (x: M.t) (s: t) =
  match s with
  | [] -> false
  | hd :: tl ->
    if M.equal x hd then true else contains x tl
  • Notice how the type that was polymorphic, 'a in the original Simple_set, is M.t here – we are taking the type from the Eq module, that is the type we need.
    • In general there are many such programming patterns where types are treated more like data in OCaml – adds to the power.
  • This is a great example of the usefulness of functors - many different possible types and their equivalences could be supplied with different M’s.

    Using functors

  • Pass a module to a functor to make a new module
  • In other words, just like function application but on modules
# module String_set = Simple_set_functor(String);;
module String_set :
    type t = string list
    val emptyset : t
    val add : string -> t -> string list
    val remove : string -> t -> string list
    val contains : string -> t -> bool
  • Note that we passed in a String module where the parameter had the Eq module type - why did this work?
  • Answer: String.t is the underlying type of the string, and String.equal exists as an equality operation on strings, so String matches the Eq module type
  • (utop command #show_module String will dump the full module if you want to verify t and equal are there)
  • Note String also has a whole ton of other functions, types, etc
    • but like with subclasses or Java interfaces you match a sig if you have “at least” the stuff needed.
  • Here is one way you can test if a module matches a module type:
# module String2 = (String : Eq);;
module String2 : Eq
# module String2 : Eq = String;; (* Equivalent way to write the above *)
module String2 : Eq
  • This declares a new module String2 which is String matched against the Eq type.
  • Note that String2 is restricted to only have t/equal with this declaration

Instantiating functors with our own custom type

Here is how we could instantiate the Simple_set_functor with our own data type

# #require "ppx_jane";;
# module Nucleotide = struct type t = A | C | G | T [@@deriving equal] end;;
module Nucleotide : sig type t = A | C | G | T val equal : t -> t -> bool end
# module Nuc_set = Simple_set_functor(Nucleotide);;
module Nuc_set :
    type t = Nucleotide.t list
    val emptyset : t
    val add : Nucleotide.t -> t -> Nucleotide.t list
    val remove : Nucleotide.t -> t -> Nucleotide.t list
    val contains : Nucleotide.t -> t -> bool
  • Note this requires us to make a module out of our type
  • (also note that we used [@@deriving equal] to make the equal for free)
    • (and note it is given the name Nucleotide.equal and not Nucleotide.equal_nucleotide, since it is in a module and is the type t there)

Types of functors

  • Functors also have types; OCaml inferred a type for Simple_set_functor above but we can also declare it:
# module type SSF = functor (M : Eq) ->
      type t = M.t list
      val emptyset : t
      val add : M.t -> t -> t
      val remove : M.t -> t -> t
      val contains : M.t -> t -> bool
  • Observe the type is generally functor (M : Module_type) -> sig ... end
  • Notice how the argument module M occurs in the result type since it has types in it
  • Such a type is called a dependent type

Type Hiding

  • The above implemetation of our simple set functor does not hide the fact that the underlying implementation is lists
  • Recall the goal of “abstract data types (ADTS)” is for programmers to avoid exposing implementations
  • But, hiding is harder here than in the non-functor version: once we supply the = we have also fixed the type. So e.g. emptyset is not polymorphic, it cannot be type 'a t any more.
  • One solution is to hide the type completely in the functor type:
module type SSF_hidden = functor (M : Eq) ->
      type t (* hide the type completely, no longer 'a t *)
      val emptyset : t
      val add : M.t -> t -> t
      val remove : M.t -> t -> t
      val contains : M.t -> t -> bool
    module Simple_set_functor_hidden = (Simple_set_functor : SSF_hidden)
    module String_set_hidden = Simple_set_functor_hidden(String);;

File-based functors and type hiding

  • In making real software we are putting all the code in the .ml files
  • So for functors just put the Simple_set_functor in the file, say file
    • but, we will rename it Make so Simple_set.Make(Float) for example will make a Simple_set
  • Then to hide information make a simple_set.mli file which lists the types of everything
    • There is a specific naming convention on how to do this which is subtle
    • We will review which is our old set example redone as a functor

Core’s Set, Map, Hash table, etc

  • The Core advanced data structures support something similar to what we did above
    • “plug in the comparison in an initialization phase and then forget about it”
  • Here for example is how you make a map where the key is a built-in type (which has an associated module)
  • Map.Make is a functor just like our Simple_set.Make above
  • We need to supply the type of keys as we need to compare on them; the types of values is arbitrary so we let it be 'a as in a list
# module FloatMap = Map.Make(Float);; (* Or Char/Int/String/Bool/etc *)
module FloatMap :
  sig ... end
# let mm = FloatMap.empty;;
val mm : 'a FloatMap.t = <abstr> (* mm itself encapsulates that it is a Float map *)
# Map.add_exn mm ~key:0.4 ~data:5 |> Fn.flip Map.find_exn 0.4 ;; (* Can just use Map. interface since mm defines key type *)
- : int = 5
  • Note it requires a bit more than just the type and compare to be in Float for this to work with Core
  • #show Map.Make;; will show the functor type and we can look at what Map.Makes argument expects
  • In particular to/from S-expression conversions are also needed; use [@@deriving compare, sexp] on your own type:
#require "ppx_jane";;
# module IntPair = struct
type t = int * int [@@deriving compare, sexp]
module IntPair :
    type t = int * int
    val compare : t -> t -> int
    val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
    val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
# module IPMap = Map.Make(IntPair);;
module IPMap :
  sig ... end
# module IPSet = Set.Make(IntPair);;  (* Sets in Core also need compare (sorts internally) *)
# IPSet.empty |> Fn.flip Set.add (1,2) |> Fn.flip Set.add (3,2) |> Fn.flip Set.add (3,2) |> Set.to_list;;
- : IntPair.t list = [(1, 2); (3, 2)]

Observe that only non-parametric types can be keys for maps:

# module FloatMap = Map.Make(List);;
Line 1, characters 27-31:
Error: Signature mismatch:
       Type declarations do not match:
         type 'a t = 'a list
       is not included in
         type t
       They have different arities.
       File "src/", line 29, characters 2-35: Expected declaration
       File "src/list.mli", line 12, characters 0-48: Actual declaration
  • Mildly annoying solution: explictly make a module for the list type you care about:
# module SList = struct type t = string list [@@deriving compare,sexp] end;;
module SList :
    type t = string list
    val compare : t -> t -> int
    val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
    val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
# module SListMap = Map.Make(SList);;
module SListMap :
  sig ... end

Simpler way to do above: can inline the module definition, no need to name it

# module SListMap = Map.Make(struct type t = string list [@@deriving compare,sexp] end);;
module SListMap :
  sig .. end
  • The above is a map where the keys are lists of strings
  • The above examples show how non-trivial data structures can be map keys
  • Here is the opposite, how we can make e.g. a variant with maps in it.
  • This assumes the keys are integer pairs, and the values can be any type ('a)
# type 'a intpairmaptree = Leaf | Node of ('a IPMap.t) * 'a intpairmaptree * 'a intpairmaptree;; 
type 'a intpairmaptree =
  | Node of 'a IPMap.t * 'a intpairmaptree * 'a intpairmaptree
  • Notice how we refer to our pair map type as 'a IPMap.t, its a bit of a mouthful to see at first
    • but if it was a list it would be 'a list here and 'a List.t is just an alias for that.

Larger Example Using Core.Map

  • We will go over the code of, simple code that uses a Core.Map.
  • Note that there is a fancier way than Map.Make using advanced features we will cover in detail later: first-class modules.
    • We will look at which re-writes the example to use first-class modules
    • The advantage of this code is you don’t need to make a new module for every type you use it at
    • Imagine if for every List type we had to make an IntList, StringList etc module - painful!
    • (List itself avoids this problem by not being comparison-friendly, we had to pass in compare to List.sort for example)

The with type refinement operation

  • with is sometimes needed when you have a module type with an abstract type t (just the type name, no explicit definition)
  • Sometimes you made it just type t not to hide it like we did in simple_set.mli, but because we didn’t know it - it is a generic type.
  • This is common in functor parameter module types in particular, e.g. our Eq above has a type t which is intended to be generic, not hidden.
  • Above everything worked fine because t was only a parameter, but if the functor result module type had a type t in it, it would be hidden and that might not be desired.

  • Example: here is a type of modules which contain pairs (a toy example)
  • We want this to be generic over any type of pair so we let l and r be undefined
    module type Pair = 
      type l
      type r
      type t = l * r
      val left : t -> l
      val right : t -> r

    OK lets make a concrete example of the above on int and string

    module Pair = struct 
     type l = int
     type r = string
     type t = l * r
     let left ((l:l), (r:r)) = l
     let right ((l:l), (r:r)) = r

    Now the problem is if we put the above signature on the module, we hid too much!

    module Matched_pair = (Pair : Pair);;

    module Matched_pair : Pair

    Matched_pair.left (4,”hi”);;

    Line 1, characters 19-20:
    Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type

    Pair.left(4,”hi”);; (* problem was the module type Pair *)

  • : int = 4

The solution is you can specialize abstract types in module types via with:

# module Matched_pair = (Pair : Pair with type l = int with type r = string);;
module Matched_pair :
    type l = int
    type r = string
    type t = l * r
    val left : l * r -> l
    val right : l * r -> r
# Matched_pair.left (4,"hi");;
- : int = 4

Usually with is inlined like above, but it is just shorthand for defining a new module type:

# module type Pair_int_string = Pair with type l = int with type r = string;;
module type Pair_int_string =
    type l = int
    type r = string
    type t = l * r
    val left : l * r -> l
    val right : l * r -> r

Sometimes we also want to inline the types we are instantiating in with: use := in place of = for that:

# module Matched_pair = (Pair : Pair with type l := int with type r := string);;
module Matched_pair :
  sig type t = int * string val left : t -> int val right : t -> string end

Other Data Structures in Core

  • Core has complete implementations of many classic data structures, many of which are built similarly with functor like Map.Make
  • Be careful on imperative vs functional, look carefully to see which it is
  • Functional data structures in Core:
    • Set, Map, Doubly_linked (list), Fqueue, Fdeque (functional (double-ended) queue)
  • Imperative data structures:
    • Stack and Queue as we previously discussed (which don’t need Make/compare), plus Hash_queue, Hash_set, Hashtbl (mutable hashed queue/set/map), Linked_queue, Bag (a multi-set)

Tangent: Summary of Important Directives for utop

  • #show_val - shows the type of a value
  • #show_type - expands a type definition (if it has an expansion)
  • #show_module - shows all the elements inside a particular module or functor
  • #show_module_type - as previous but for module types
  • #show - the above four condensed into one command
  • #require - loads a library (does not open it, just loads the module)
  • #use "" - loads code file as if it was copied and pasted into the top loop.
  • #mod_use - like #use but loads the file like it was a module (i.e. like we typed module Filename = struct ... contents of ... end)
  • #load "blah.cmo", #load "blahlib.cma" etc - load a compiled binary or library file (only the .cmo/a versions, the bytecode compiler).
  • #use_output "dune top" - run a command and assume output is top loop input commands.
    • The particular argument dune top here generates top loop commands to load the current project.
    • If dune utop is not working this is very similar but less glitchy.
  • #directory adir - adds adir to the list of directories to search for files.
  • #pwd - shows current working directory.
  • #cd - changes directory for loads etc.
  • #trace afun - subsequent calls and returns to afun will now be dumped to top level - a simple debugging tool.
  • #help - in case you forget one of the above

Also, standard edit/search keys work in utop:

  • control-R searches for a previous input with a certin string in it
  • control-P / control-N go up and down to edit, control-A is start of line, control-E is end, control-D deletes current
  • up/down arrow go to previous/next inputs