
  • Terminology
    • Specification: what the program should do
    • Implementation: how it does it
  • Let us step back and look at the bigger picture of specifying


  • The high-level goal is to have software that is “correct”
  • There are many levels of interpretation for “correct”
    • Informal spec.: we had some vague idea of what the code should do, wrote it, iteratively addressed feedback of users until bug reports shrunk to very low levels.
    • Semi-formal spec.: Sat down with stakeholders, wrote out a specification document in English with a few pictures/formulas, added some tests to code which affirmed aspects of this spec.
    • Rigorous spec.: Have an unambiguous mathematical notion of what correct behavior should be, write it out as the formal specification, make sure code meets it.
  • In practice all of these modes can be fruitful depending on the project and how mission-critical it is.

Forms of specification

Specifications can range from informal to completely rigorous and unambiguous

  • Requirements and Design documents: high-level informal descriptions of what the app should do
    • This is the classic form of specification in software engineering; includes description/pictures/etc but far from code
  • Types, e.g. writing an .mli file before implementing the code
    • Gives a very rigorous, compiler-checked skeleton for the code; we are doing this for you on the assignments
    • Much more precise than the previous in terms of code/spec relationship, but limited expressiveness
  • Tests
    • A test suite constitutes a specification on a finite window of behavior - can’t run all infinite cases
    • Can be 100% accurate on the cases tested, but could be woefully incomplete
    • Coverage measurements can be used to help close the incompleteness gap somewhat (never fully however)
  • Full logical assertions specifying code behavior in terms of math
    • e.g. precondition on a function that tree parameter is a binary tree (left values < right values)
    • e.g. precondition on a function that tree parameter is a balanced binary tree
    • e.g. postcondition that List.sort always returns a sorted list
    • e.g. precondition/postcondition on tree add function that if the input tree is balanced the output tree will also be.
    • e.g. invariants on data structures such as a Set implementation which uses an underlying always-sorted list.
    • e.g. inductive invariants on recursive algorithms, e.g. assuming that in the body of reverse that it works on a shorter list.
    • Logical assertions are more general than tests since they are for all inputs
      • but not necessarily verified (but, invariants do guide tests - write tests to verify on lots of examples)
  • Verified assertions aka formal methods
    • After making the above logical assertions, verify the code meets the assertions using a verification tool
    • Now this is mostly research, but becoming more mainstream

Type-directed programming

Fact: types outline the “shape” of the code you need to write and serve as a “structural” spec.

  • You have been doing type-directed programming, perhaps getting very annoyed whilst
    • With time the annoyance turns to thanks (we promise!)
  • Principle is: writing code that matches declared type will get you well on the way to an implementation
    • type errors point to code errors to be fixed
    • when the last type error drops, the code may directly work
  • Type-directed programming is 100% rigorous, but is incomplete: types only express rough shapes of data
    • e.g. int list is a rough shape compared to “sorted int list” but the latter isn’t a type in OCaml

Type-directed programming examples

Review example: not bubbling up option or other wrapped results properly

# let zadd (l1 : int list) (l2 : int list) : (int list) = let l = List.zip l1 l2 in List.map ~f:(fun (x,y) -> x+y) l;;
Line 1, characters 74-75:
Error: This expression has type (int * int) list List.Or_unequal_lengths.t
       but an expression was expected of type 'c list
  • To solve this type error you will need to match on the result, which should fix both type error and behavior

Review example: with partial parameters applied, remainder types hint at what is needed.

let l = [[3;3]; [4;4]; [22;17]] in
List.map l;;
- : f:(int list -> '_weak1) -> '_weak1 list = <fun>
  • The type shows that f needs to be a function taking an int list as argument.

Review example: the type in an .mli file can direct your implementation, e.g. map on dict example from HW2

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a dict -> 'b dict
  • Q: “how can I get a dict of 'b’s built from a dict of 'a’s here
  • A: “Use the function from 'a to 'b on elements of 'a dict.

Extension example: add a new field to a record or a new variant case, chase the type errors to patch

type party = Dem | Rep
type voter = { name : string; party: party }
let count_parties (l : voter list) =
  List.fold l ~init: (0,0) 
    ~f:(fun (cd,cr) -> fun {party; _} -> 
     match party with 
     | Dem -> (cd+1, cr)
     | Rep -> (cd, cr+1) );;

Adding a Gre for green party: first just change the type, and chase errors

type party = Dem | Rep | Gre
type voter = { name : string; party: party }
let count_parties (l : voter list) =
  List.fold l ~init: (0,0) 
    ~f:(fun (cd,cr) -> fun {party; _} -> 
     match party with 
     | Dem -> (cd+1, cr)
     | Rep -> (cd, cr+1) );;
Lines 6-8, characters 5-24:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
type party = Dem | Rep | Gre
type voter = { name : string; party : party; }
val count_parties : voter list -> int * int = <fun>
  • Shows a new match case is needed; in process of adding new case it will become clear a triple is also needed
  • This example also shows why non-exhaustive pattern matches are bad: errors often lurk

Conclusion: Don’t wrestle with OCaml’s types, dance with them

Preconditions Postconditions and Data Structure Invariants

  • Types are fine for high-level structural information, but cannot express deeper properties.
    • “a function only takes non-negative input”
    • “a function returns a sorted list”
    • etc
  • Preconditions, postconditions, and invariants allow properties beyond types to be expressed

Let us consider some preconditions and postconditions on the Simple_set.Make functor example (click for zipfile):

module Make (M: Eq) = 
open Core
type t = M.t list
let emptyset : t = []
let add (x : M.t) (s : t) = (x :: s)
let rec remove (x : M.t) (s: t) =
  match s with
  | [] -> failwith "item is not in set"
  | hd :: tl ->
    if M.equal hd x then tl
    else hd :: remove x tl
let rec contains (x: M.t) (s: t) =
  match s with
  | [] -> false
  | hd :: tl ->
    if M.equal x hd then true else contains x tl
  • Precondition on remove: s is not empty (it would always fail otherwise)
  • Stronger precondition on remove: contains x s must hold
    • could be too strong if caller wants to handle this exception (generally better to avoid exceptions though)
  • Postcondition on remove for it returning set s': not(contains x s') - ??
    • No, this simple “set” data structure is in fact a multiset and this will not always hold
    • If we had this postcondition on a “real set” spec we would have seen that our implementation failed to meet it
  • Postcondition on add x s: for the resulting set s', contains x s' holds

Assertions in code

  • OCaml assert can be placed in code to directly verify properties
    • program dies if the assertion fails, it should always hold
    • silently returns () if it succeeds
  • Example new version of add above:
    let add (x : M.t) (s : t) = 
    let s' = (x :: s) in assert (contains x s'); s'
  • Good for development mode, but not after deployment (slows things down)
  • Generally it is better to make tests to spot-check assertions instead of using assert
    • ppx_inline_tests is a library where you can write tests in-line with your code
    • example: let s_test = .. in let%test_unit "add adds" = assert (contains (add s_test x) x)
    • inline tests both document invariants and serve as tests: two-for-one!
    • They also allow functions and data structures hidden in a module to be tested
      • one issue with OCaml’s modules is the tester module needs to see the local functions in the library module so they need to be made non-local for that - oops!
      • For Assignment 2 we didn’t hide the underlying tree type of the dictionary so you could use it in tests

Data structure invariants

  • It is often the case that there are additional restrictions on values allowed in a data structure type
    • for example the “ordered tree” and “balanced tree” examples mentioned above
  • Example from dict on homework: is_ordered must hold for the binary tree.
  • Such data structure invariants should be made clear in the code documentation

Recursion Invariants

  • Recursion and other loops (e.g. in fold) is a prime place to assert invariants
  • (Even if you don’t write them out, thinking of the invariants are critical to coding recursive programs)
  • A standard invariant for recursive functions is that the recursive calls return what the outer function expected
let rec rev l = 
  match l with 
  | [] -> []
  | x::xs -> let rxs = rev xs in assert(Poly.(List.rev xs = rxs)); rxs @ [x]
  • Note that we have to use the built-in List.rev to test our version - somewhat circular (note Poly quick-open lets = work on any type)
  • In general a big issue with specification is it is often hard to give a code-based definition of the full spec.
  • So, our main focus is on partial specs, give sanity conditions and not complete property

Invariants over folds as examples

  • In re-implementing some of the common List functions with folds it helps to think of the invariant
  • Folding left (List.fold):
    • Suppose we are at some arbitrary point processing the fold;
    • assume accumulation accum has “the result of the task” for all elements to the left in the list
    • require ~f to then “do the task” to incorporate the current element elt
    • also assume accum is initially init
  • Folding right: just flip the order the list is walked over in the above
(* invariant for length: accum is length of list up to here *)
let length l = List.fold ~init:0 ~f:(fun accum _ -> accum + 1) l 
(* invariant for rev: accum is reverse of list up to here *)
let rev l = List.fold ~init:[]  ~f:(fun accum elt -> elt::accum) l 
(* invariant for map: accum is f applied to each element of list up to here *)
let map ~f l = List.fold_right ~init:[]  ~f:(fun elt accum -> (f elt)::accum) l
(* etc *)
let filter ~f l = List.fold_right ~init:[] ~f:(fun elt accum -> if f elt then elt::accum else accum) l

Formal Verification

  • Formal verification is proving the invariants hold (e.g. that rev really reverses the list)
  • It is of only limited applicability in mainstream SE but will become more common through your careers
  • A simple view of what it is is the preconditions/postconditions/invariants/asserts above will be verified to always hold by a computer program.
    • Like how a compiler verifies type declarations but on a much grander scale.
    • End goal is to do this over a full spec. but verification of partial spec is also good (e.g. dict being a binary tree)

Specification and Abstraction

  • The more completely a module is specified the less the users need to know about the underlying implementration
  • The built-in Core.Map etc modules are examples where the users need to know almost nothing about the implementation
  • Note that documentation of the specification in the interface is important; sometimes Core is weak there
  • On your own libraries you can do the same
    • it will make it a lot easier for your users, they can just think about the spec. view.


  • Testing wears two very different but very useful hats:
    1. Specification-based: use tests to define and refine what the code should do
    2. Implementation-based: find bugs in code, for example when you change code make sure you didn’t break it.
  • Moral: when testing, wear both hats
    • Writing tests before fully coding the answer makes the tests serve as your “coding spec”
    • Adding tests for corner cases will flesh out the spec
    • Adding tests covering past bugs will make sure they are caught quickly next time
  • Equivalent terminology you may see: black-box (spec) and glass-box (code-based) testing
  • Black-box tests are those written against the spec
  • Glass-box tests are in the context of bugs in the code and other code properties

Standard categories of tests

  • Unit testing: what you have mainly done – test the small pieces of the app; no I/O testing
  • Acceptance testing: test the bigger pieces including I/O
    • For example testing your keywordcount.exe on a certain fixed directory tree.
  • Random testing of which there are many types: fuzz testing / monkey testing / property-based testing / quickcheck:
    • the tests are run on data generated randomly from some distribution
    • “quickcheck”ing aka property-based testing is running unit tests on randomly generated data (random lists of ints, etc)
    • “fuzz testing” is running acceptance tests with random input strings supplied.

Testing and coverage

  • Code coverage is a great glass-box (impl-based) metric of how good your test suite is
  • The simple idea of coverage: are there lines of your code that never get exercised by any of your tests?
  • Coverage tools let you easily check this.
  • We will show how the Bisect coverage tool can be used below


  • We have been using the OUnit2 library mostly as a black box up to now
  • Now we will go through the details, which are in fact very simple
    • There is not much in OUnit2 per se, if you want something extra just write some higher-order functions to do it
  • To review, here is your standard simple tests.ml file, this one is from the simple-set example:
    open OUnit2
    open Simple_set
    let tests = "test suite for set" >::: [
      "empty"  >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (emptyset) (emptyset));
      "3-elt"    >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal true (contains 5 (add 5 emptyset) (=)));
      "1-elt nested" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal false (contains 5 (remove 5 (add 5 emptyset) (=))(=)));
    let () = run_test_tt_main tests
  • OUnit2.assert_equal is just the OUnit2 version of assert, it uses Poly.(=) for simplicity (but be careful)
  • The infix >:: operator takes a string (test name) and a piece of test code under fun _ -> (to keep it from running right away) and builds a single test of type test (type #require "ounit2" and open OUnit2 to the top-loop before playing with this code there):
    # let test1 = "simple test" >:: fun _ -> assert_equal (2 :: []) [2];;
      val test1 : test =
      TestLabel ("simple test",
      TestCase (Short, <fun>))
  • The >::: operator simply takes a test list and builds a test suite (which in fact is just of type test)
    # let test_suite = "suite now" >::: [test1];;
    val test_suite : test =
    TestLabel ("suite now",
      [TestLabel ("simple test",
        TestCase (Short, <fun>))])
  • Then, OUnit2.run_test_tt_main tests will run the suite tests
    • (note this will work but then freeze the top loop alas; the old run_test_tt is no longer existing sigh)

How the tests run when you say dune test

  • The above tests.ml file is just defining an executable, like keywordcount.exe on HW2
  • Build and run the executable to run the tests
  • Here a dune build file which would work for the simple set tests for example:
  (name tests)

; dune rule so command line "dune runtest" (and "dune test") will run tests.
 (alias runtest)
 (action (chdir %{project_root}
  (run ./test/tests.exe))))
  • The alias rule also runs the tests after building them
  • We in fact use dune shorthand for the above: replace executable with test and it makes an executable with the above alias to run tests:
  (name tests)

Higher-order testing

  • If you did unit testing in other languages it looks pretty much like the above
  • But in OCaml we can make tests programatically which makes for less code duplication
  • Example: lets make a bunch of different tests on the same invariant, that reversing a list twice is a no-op:
# let make_rev_test l = ("test test" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal(List.rev @@ List.rev l) l));; 
val make_rev_test : 'a list -> test = <fun>
let make_rev_suite ll = 
  "suite of rev rev tests" >::: List.map ll ~f:(fun l -> make_rev_test l);;
val make_rev_suite : 'a list list -> test = <fun>
let s = make_rev_suite [[];[1;2;3];[2;44;2];[32;2;3;2;1]];;
let () = run_test_tt_main s;; (* recall this crashes the top loop when finished *)
  • In general you can build an arbitrarily big tree of tests with suites of suites etc
    • As can be seen above, a suite of tests just has type test
let s' = "id tests" >::: 
  ["one" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (Fn.id 4) 4) ;
   "two" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (Fn.id "hello") "hello")];;
let suites = test_list [s;s'];; (* make suite of suites *)
let named_suites = "revrev and Fn.id" >: suites (* any tree of tests can be named *)

Here is the type of test under the hood (from the docs) which should make clear why the above works:

type test =
| TestCase of test_fun
| TestList of test list
| TestLabel of string * test

Tangent: defining infix operators

  • The OUnit infix operators >::/>::: are just like +, ^ etc
# #require "ounit2";;
# open OUnit2;;
# (>::) ;;
- : string -> test_fun -> test = <fun>
# (>:::);;
- : string -> test list -> test = <fun>
  • There is no magic to this, you can also do it:
utop # let (^^) x y = x + y;;
val ( ^^ ) : int -> int -> int = <fun>
utop # 3 ^^ 5;;
- : int = 8
  • Note unlike in C++ we are not overloading operators, ^^ only works on two ints now.
  • The old version of ^^ for printing just got nuked.
  • So, new infix ops are always defined within a module to avoid overlap
  • OCaml will eventually have overloading but it is still in the development pipe

Making actual tests

  • We used assert_equal above which is the OUnit function to check things being equal
  • assert_bool which is like the assert OCaml command: assert_bool "name that test" (0=0) for example
  • If you want to verify some code raises an exception, use assert_raises
  • To perform acceptance testing (I/O), use assert_command to run a shell command and compare against output
    • we are using assert_command to test your A2P2
  • If you need fixed setup/teardown code bracketing a group of tests to setup e.g. files: bracket_tmpfile

As always, see the documentation for more details:
OUnit2 API docs

Bisect for OCaml code coverage

  • The bisect_ppx preprocessor can decorate your code with one hit-bit per line
    • it can then show which lines are “hit” upon running your test suite
  • Add (preprocess (pps bisect_ppx)) to library or executable declaration in dune to decorate
    • don’t add to your (test ... ) dune declaration, you want to count lines hit in your code not in your test code!
  • Then do a dune test which will generate the low-level hit-lines data in a file.
    • or dune exe and run your app if you want to see coverage there
  • Shell command bisect-ppx-report html generates a pretty report showing which lines hit in latest execution
    • open _coverage/index.html in your browser to see the report
    • if this command is not working make sure you did the opam install bisect-ppx in the course required installs
  • See Bisect docs for more details
  • Note that if you have lines of code that you know should not be run (e.g. invariants that should not fail) you can put [@@@coverage off] on them.

We will check how well my tests of the simple set example covered the code using Bisect. The only addition to code is the (preprocess (pps bisect_ppx)) added to src/dune for the library.

Testing executables

  • OUnit can be used to test executables: OUnit2.assert_command can run a shell command (e.g. your OCaml executable)
  • dune also contains an extension called cram which allows for output to be compared against expected output for a given input
  • It is very general, you just specify the shell command to run (can test non-OCaml just as easily)
  • We will super-briefly skim the cram docs

Base_quickcheck and Random Testing

The big picture of random testing

  1. Suppose we have one function f that we want to test.
  2. We need to be able to generate random data which is the parameters of f
  3. We run f on different random data many times (say 100 or 10000 times)
  4. We need to know if the test worked or not on the random data
    • So, tests usually verify that invariants hold or some bad exception not raised etc.
    • This is another reason invariants are good, they are properties that can be quickchecked

      Using Base_quickcheck

  • Base_quickcheck contains three key algorithms:
    1. Generators, Quickcheck.Generator - make random data of desired distribution in given type
    2. Shrinkers, Quickcheck.Shrinker - if a failing case is discovered, try to make it smaller (we will not cover these in detail)
    3. Runner, Quickcheck.test etc, which runs some fixed number (10,000 by default) of random tests and shrinks failures.
  • We will look at several examples of the Base_quickcheck library in action in quickcheck_examples.ml

  • Base_quickcheck docs
  • The Real World OCaml book has a short tutorial (note it uses ppx_inline_tests and not OUnit2)

Fuzz testing vs Quickcheck

  • We are focusing on quickchecking (aka property-based testing) now but fuzz testing also important
  • Fuzz testing is to acceptance tests as quickcheck is to unit tests
    • fuzzers feed in inputs on stdio and other input channels to whole app
    • quickcheckers are internally generating random data
  • Industry fuzz testers do a lot more more than generate totally random data
    • They may be aware that the string input should fit a particular grammar, e.g. html
    • They may be combined with a coverage tool and work to find random data “covering” all the code