
  • Variants build or-data (this-or-this-or-this); records build and-data (this-and-this-and-this)
  • They are the fundamental data constructors
  • We start with variants


  • The option and result types we have been using are simple forms of variant types
  • Variants let your data be one of several forms (either-or), with a label wrapping the data indicating the specific form
  • They are related to union types in C or enums in Java, but are more safe than C and more general than Java
  • Like OCaml lists and tuples they are by default immutable

Example variant type for doing mixed arithmetic (integers and floats)

type ff_num = Fixed of int | Floating of float;;  (* read "|" as "or" *)

Fixed 5;; (* tag 5 as a Fixed *)
Floating 4.0;; (* tag 4.0 as a Floating *)
  • Each case of the variant is wrapped with a constructor which serves for both
    • constructing values of the variant type
    • inspecting them by pattern matching
  • Constructors must start with a Capital Letter to distinguish from variables
  • Variants must be declared but once declared type inference can infer them.
  • The of indicates what type is under the wrapper
  • Note constructors look like functions but they are not – you always need to give the argument
let ff_as_int x =
    match x with
    | Fixed n -> n    (* variants fit well into pattern matching syntax *)
    | Floating z -> int_of_float z;;

ff_as_int (Fixed 5);;

A non-trivial function using the above variant type

let ff_add n1 n2 =
   match n1, n2 with    (* note use of pair here to parallel-match on two variables  *)
     | Fixed i1, Fixed i2 -> Fixed (i1 + i2)
     | Fixed i1, Floating f2 ->  Floating(float i1 +. f2) (* need to coerce *)
     | Floating f1, Fixed i2 -> Floating(f1 +. float i2)  (* ditto *)
     | Floating f1, Floating f2 -> Floating(f1 +. f2)

ff_add (Fixed 123) (Floating 3.14159);;
  • No data item? leave off the of.
  • Multiple data items in a single variant clause? Wrap with a tuple (or record once we cover them):
type complex = CZero | Nonzero of float * float;;

let com = Nonzero(3.2,11.2);;
let zer = CZero;;
let ocaml_annoyance = Nonzero(3.2,11.2);; (* this is a parsing error, it views as ( Nonzero)(3.2,11.2) *)
let ocaml_annoyance = @@ Nonzero(3.2,11.2);; (* so use @@ instead of " " *)

An Example of Variants plus List. libraries

  • Here is a small Hamming distance calculator for DNA.
  • Observe the [@@deriving equal], this is a macro (called a “ppx extension” in OCaml)
  • It automatically generates a function equal_nucleotide (equal_the-types-name-here in general)
  • You will need to use this with Core since regular = will not work on nucleotides.
(* Example derived from
   This code needs a #require "ppx_jane";; in top loop to load ppx extension for @@deriving equal 
   Or, in a dune file it will need   (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving.eq)) added to the library decl *)

type nucleotide = A | C | G | T [@@deriving equal]

let hamming_distance (left : nucleotide list) (right : nucleotide list) : ((int, string) result)=
  match left right with (* recall this returns Ok(list) or Unequal_lengths, another variant *)
  | List.Or_unequal_lengths.Unequal_lengths -> Error "left and right strands must be of equal length"
  | List.Or_unequal_lengths.Ok l ->
    |> List.filter ~f:(fun (a,b) -> not (equal_nucleotide a b)) 
    |> List.length 
    |> fun x -> Ok(x) (* Unfortunately we can't just pipe to `Ok` since `Ok` is not a function in OCaml - make it one here *)

let hamm_example = hamming_distance [A;A;C;A;T;T] [A;A;G;A;C;T]

Now let’s use fold instead of filter/length

let hamming_distance (left : nucleotide list) (right : nucleotide list) : ((int, string) result)=
  match left right with
  | List.Or_unequal_lengths.Unequal_lengths -> Error "left and right strands must be of equal length"
  | List.Or_unequal_lengths.Ok (l) ->
    |> List.fold ~init:0 ~f:(fun accum (a,b) -> accum + if (equal_nucleotide a b) then 0  else 1) 
    |> fun x -> Ok(x)

Parametric variant types

We have used several of these but just have not looked at the type so carefully.

Here is the system’s declaration of the option type – the #show_type top loop directive (or just #show) will print it:

# #show_type option;;
type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
  • The 'a here is a parameter, which gets filled in by a concrete type to make an actual type.
  • e.g. Some("hello") : string option – the string fills in the parameter 'a
  • None : 'a option type means instantiate the 'a parameter with polymorphic/generic 'a
  • This may have been more clear if OCaml used function notation for these types, e.g.
    type option('a) = None | Some of 'a and Some("hello") : option(string)

And here is result:

# #show_type result;;
type ('a, 'b) result = ('a, 'b) result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'b
  • Same idea but a pair of type parameters; 'b is the type of the Error.
  • Observe Ok(4) : (int, 'a) result and Error("bad") : ('a, string) result

Lastly, has a special type for its return value which is very similar to option:

# #show_type List.Or_unequal_lengths.t;;
type 'a t = 'a List.Or_unequal_lengths.t = Ok of 'a | Unequal_lengths

Recursive data structures

  • A common use of variant types is to build self-referential data structures
  • Functional programming is fantastic for computing over tree-structured data
  • Recursive types can refer to themselves in their own definition
    • similar in spirit to how C structs can be recursive (but, no pointers needed here)
  • Unlike with functions, no need for rec (in fact can use nonrec to let OCaml know it is not recursive)

Homebrew lists as a warm-up - the built-in list type is in fact not needed

type 'a homebrew_list = Mt | Cons of 'a * 'a homebrew_list;;
let hb_eg = Cons(3,Cons(5,Cons(7,Mt)));; (* analogous to 3 :: 5 :: 7 :: [] = [3;5;7] *)

Coding over homebrew lists is basically identical to built-in lists.

let rec homebrew_map (ml : 'a homebrew_list) ~(f : 'a -> 'b) : ('b homebrew_list) =
  match ml with
    | Mt -> Mt
    | Cons(hd,tl) -> Cons(f hd,homebrew_map tl ~f)

let map_eg = homebrew_map (Cons(3,Cons(5,Cons(7,Mt)))) ~f:(fun x -> x - 1)

Lets look at the built-in list type:

# #show_type list;;
type 'a list = [] | (::) of 'a * 'a list

Looks just like our homebrew one other than names for the components

Binary trees

  • Binary trees are like lists but with two self-referential sub-structures instead of one
  • Binary trees also show how arbitrary recursive variants work; same idea but more variants.
  • Here is a tree with data in the intermediate nodes but not in the leaves.
type 'a bin_tree = Leaf | Node of 'a * 'a bin_tree * 'a bin_tree

Here are some simple example trees

let bt0 = Node("whack!",Leaf, Leaf);;
let bt1 = Node("fiddly ",
            Node("backer ",
               Node("crack ",

let bt2 = Node("fiddly ",
            Node("backer ",
               Node("crack ",
(* Type error, like list, must have uniform type: *)

Combinators for Binary Trees

  • Since lists are built-in we get a massive library of functions on them.
  • For these binary trees (and in general for whatever variant types you roll yourself) there is no such luxury.
  • But, that doesn’t mean you should just code everything by recursing over the tree. Instead
    1. Define the combinators you need (maps, folds, node counts, etc.) using let rec
    2. Use your combinators without needing let rec
  • Here is a simple recursive function over binary trees for example:
    let rec add_gobble binstringtree =
     match binstringtree with
     | Leaf -> Leaf
     | Node(y, left, right) ->
         Node(y^"gobble",add_gobble left,add_gobble right)
  • Remember, as with lists this is not mutating the tree, its building a new one
  • Observe: this is an instance of the general operation of building a tree with same structure but applying an operation on each node value
  • i.e. it is a map operation over a tree. Let us code map and use it to add gobbles.
let rec map (tree : 'a bin_tree) ~(f : 'a -> 'b) : ('b bin_tree) =
   match tree with
   | Leaf -> Leaf
   | Node(y, left, right) ->
       Node(f y,map ~f left,map ~f right)

(* using tree map to make a non-recursive add_gobble *)
let add_gobble tree = map ~f:(fun s -> s ^ "gobble") tree
  • Fold is also natural on binary trees, apply operation f to node value and each subtree result.
let rec fold (tree : 'a bin_tree) ~(f : 'a -> 'accum -> 'accum -> 'accum) ~(leaf : 'accum) : 'accum =
   match tree with
   | Leaf -> leaf
   | Node(y, left, right) ->
       f y (fold ~f ~leaf left) (fold ~f ~leaf right)

(* using tree fold *)
let int_summate tree = fold ~f:(fun elt laccum raccum -> elt + laccum + raccum) ~leaf:0 tree;;
int_summate @@ Node(3,Node(1,Leaf,Node(2,Leaf,Leaf)),Leaf);;
(* fold can also do map-like operations - the folder can return a tree *)
let bump_nodes tree = fold ~f:(fun elt la ra -> Node(elt+1,la,ra)) ~leaf:Leaf tree;;
  • Many of the other List functions have analogues on binary trees and recursive variants in general
    • length (size for a tree), forall, exists, filter (filter out a subtree), etc etc.
  • For some operations we need to know how to compare the tree elements,
  • e.g. if it is a binary (sorted) tree an insertion requires comparison
  • For integers at least this is easy as we have <=:
let rec insert_int (x : int) (bt : int bin_tree) : (int bin_tree) =
   match bt with
   | Leaf -> Node(x, Leaf, Leaf)
   | Node(y, left, right) ->
       if x <= y then Node(y, insert_int x left, right)
       else Node(y, left, insert_int x right)
  • Like list operations this is not mutating – it returns a whole new tree.
  • Well, recall for lists that if we have list l then 0 :: l can share the l due to immutability
  • So, for here, only one path through tree is not shared: on average only log n new nodes need to be made. More later in lecture on efficiency.
let bt' = insert_int 4 bt;;
let bt'' = insert_int 0 bt';; (* thread in the most recent tree into subsequent insert *)
  • For non-integers , we need to explicitly supply any equal or comparison function.
    • recall = in Core works on integers only.
  • Library functions needing to compare will in fact take a comparision operation as argument
  • For example in the List library, the List.sort function
  • Here is an example of how to sort a string list with List.sort:
List.sort ["Zoo";"Hey";"Abba"] ~compare:(;; (* pass string's comparison function as argument *)
(* insight into OCaml expected behavior for compare: *)
# "Ahh" "Ahh";; (* =  returns 0 : equal *)
- : int = 0
# "Ahh" "Bee";; (* < returns -1 : less *)
- : int = -1
# "Ahh" "Ack";; (* > returns 1 : greater *)
- : int = 1

So, our more general tree insert should follow the lead of List.sort:

let rec insert x bt ~compare =
   match bt with
   | Leaf -> Node(x, Leaf, Leaf)
   | Node(y, left, right) ->
       if (compare x y) <= 0 then Node(y, insert x left compare, right)
       else Node(y, left, insert x right compare)
let bt' = insert 4 bt ~compare:(;;
  • In general all the built-in types have both compare and equal (which is same as (=)) defined
  • Define your own compare/equal for your own types if you need it
  • Appending [@@ppx_deriving equal] to type decl as we saw above in Hamming DNA example will automatically define function equal_mytype for your type mytype
  • Appending [@@ppx_deriving compare] is similar but will define function compare_mytype.
  • Appending [@@ppx_deriving equal compare] will get both

Polymorphic Variants Briefly

  • OCaml has an additional form of variant which has different syntax and is overlapping in uses: polymorphic variants
  • A better term would be “inferred variants” - you don’t need to declare them via type.
# `Zinger(3);; (* prefix constructors with a backtick for the inferred variants *)
- : [> `Zinger of int ] = `Zinger 3
  • This looks a bit useless, it inferred a 1-ary variant type
  • But the “>” in the type means there could be other variants showing up in the future.
# let f b = if b then [`Zinger 3] else [`Zanger "hi"];;
val f : bool -> [> `Zanger of string | `Zinger of int ] list = <fun>
  • We can of course pattern match as well:
# let zing_zang z = 
match z with
| `Zinger n -> "zing! "^(Int.to_string n)
| `Zanger s -> "zang! "^s
val zing_zang : [< `Zanger of string | `Zinger of int ] -> string = <fun>

Observe how the type now has a < instead of a >; the meaning is it is those fields or fewer.

# zing_zang @@ `Zanger "wow";;
- : string = "zang! wow"
# zing_zang @@ `Zuber 1.2;;
Line 1, characters 13-23:
Error: This expression has type [> `Zuber of float ]
       but an expression was expected of type
         [< `Zanger of string | `Zinger of int ]
       The second variant type does not allow tag(s) `Zuber
  • Generally you should use the non-polymorphic form by default
  • The main advantage of the polymorphic form is sharing tags amongst different types
    • regular variants like Ok(4) must be in only one type, result for Ok in Core
    • variants like `Zanger "f" can be in [> `Zanger of string ], [> `Zanger of string | `Zinger of int ], etc
    • really OCaml should just have one form; the two forms are historical baggage.