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LoginSignUp Class Reference

#import <LoginSignUp.h>

Inheritance diagram for LoginSignUp:

Instance Methods

(void) - standardLogin
(BOOL) - validateEmail:


IBOutlet UIView * emailView
 The view for selecting email login/signup.
IBOutlet UIView * optionsView
 The view for selecting which login/signup.
IBOutlet UITextField * emailTextField
 The field where users enter email.
IBOutlet UITextField * passwordTextField
 The field where users enter his/her password.

Detailed Description

The view controller for selecting whether logging in or signing up manually or with social network.

Method Documentation

- (void) standardLogin

Do a standard login with firebase and segue when done.

- (BOOL) validateEmail: (NSString *)  candidate

catlan stackOF a regular expression that regulates what user emails can create. WILL accept crazy emails !matt$

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