JHU Object-Oriented Software Engineering Course Homepage
0. Requirements
In order to proceed with these instructions, you will require all of the following:
- The JBoss Application Server. Version 5.1 is used in this tutorial. Later versions may function correctly, although application server versions can reflect significant changes (and, sometimes, regressions -- JBoss 7.01, for instance, does not work.).
- The Spring Framework. Version 3.0.6 is used in this tutorial, although later versions should work.
- The AOP Alliance Interface. The Spring Framework requires this. Version 1.0.0 is used in this tutorial. Be careful; the default version on the SourceForge page is not the one you want; it's an alpha version. For convenience, you may instead download the file from here. This download is licensed in the public domain.
- The MySQL JDBC Driver, termed "MySQL Connector/J". Version 5.1.17 is used in this tutorial, although any later version should work fine.
- The Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Note that the Java Developers IDE will not be sufficient; it does not contain the necessary support for application servers and J2EE projects. You must either download the J2EE distribution of Eclipse or install the J2EE plugins into an existing version of Eclipse. This tutorial will be using Eclipse 3.7.
You will also need access to a MySQL database. MySQL is open source, so you can download a copy you can run on your own computer from here.
After you have completed the download of the above materials, you are ready to proceed.
Written by Zachary Palmer with help from Varun Sharma. Corrections and suggestions are welcome; please e-mail zachary dot palmer xX att Xx jhu.edu