Assignment 8: Types
Part A
Here are some written questions on typing.
For each of these expressions, either construct a typing proof in TFb, or show exactly why they cannot typecheck (i.e. no derivation tree could ever be built; don’t just informally describe it, use the formal system rules).
(If True Then 0 Else False)
(If True Then (Fun x:Int -> x + 1) Else (Fun x:Int -> x)) 0
(Fun x:(Bool -> Int) -> x False)(Fun x:Bool -> 4)
Of the following pairs of types, is the left type a subtype of the right type, a supertype, or neither? Justify your answer by showing the proofs in the subtype proof system of the book; if neither holds describe why in words. Pay close attention to the rules, it is easy for intuitions to fail on these examples. Just build a proof tree based on the rules and you know you are correct.
{ x : Int; y : { z : Bool } }
and{ x : Int; y : {}; w : Int }
{ x : Int } -> { }
and{ } -> { x : Int }
{ } -> { }
and{ } -> { x : Int }
Type the following program in STFbR (note this program is not showing the type declarations on
, you need to find types to fill in there such that the program is typeable):Function n:Int -> Function r1:{...} -> Function r2:{...}-> {x = r1.x + 1; y = (If n = 0 Then r1.y - 1 Else r2.y +1); z = r2.z + 2}
Part B
Write a type checker for TFbSRX. The language was described in lecture and is in section 6.4 of the book. The TFbSRX/
directory of the FbDK contains the relevant parser and OCaml data type, all you have to do is fill in the file with a correct implemention of the typecheck function there. Note that you don’t have to write an interpreter, only the typechecker.
- The file contains quite a few examples for you to test the typechecker with.
- The AST for the language, in file TFbSRX/, is slightly different from the one at the top of Section 6.4 in the textbook, it is a bit simpler.
- As with the other languages in the FbDK you can use our reference implementations. Type
(or thewsl-
version if you have been using that) to load the type checker intoutop
. The above
then contains information on how you can invoke the typechecker in testing - either#use
that file or copy/paste in the lines at the top. - Notice that
Raise ..
evaluates to “arbitrary tau” in the rule in the book. As we mentioned in lecture, this is usually handled by introducing an “anything type *” - a type that is equal to every other type in the system. A new typeTBottom
has been added to the type fbtype for this purpose. -
Type checking exceptions can be somewhat tricky; especially their interactions with other expressions and type rules. You need to consider each rule carefully.
For example:
|- (Function x:Int -> x = 1) (Raise #Exn@Bool False) : Bool Because by function rule |- (Function x:Int -> x = 1) : Int -> Bool and by exception rule |- (Raise #Exn@Bool False) : Bottom (arbitrary tau) And because Int and Bottom can be equated, by application rule we have |- (Function x:Int -> x = 1) (Raise #Exn@Bool False) : Bool `
For Part A, the upload is as for the other written assignments. For Part B, upload (only) your file
which will (hopefully) contain your fully functioning type checker.