A Taste of Rust

In a nutshell: “OCaml meets C++ for safe but efficient systems programming”
OCaml features borrowed:

  • immutable by default with let-definition
  • parametric polymorphism (with syntax like Java’s, <T>)
  • first-class functions
  • tuples such as (1,2)
  • algebraic data types - the type declarations in OCaml
  • pattern matching
  • Hindley-Milner type inference (similar to OCaml and EFb)

O-O features:

  • objects (via traits, somewhat non-standard)
  • standard method call syntax

Systems programming features:

  • true pointer references
  • no garbage collector – so no pausing problems for systems code, and also no manual freeing required
  • support for (efficient) stack allocation of data folling C/C++.


Key innovation: ownership for improved heap memory safety without garbage collector

  • Invariant: runtime variables “own” their heap data
  • only one variable can alias a particular heap item (well, with a few exceptions)
  • Concurrent data races are thus prevented since threads don’t share variables
  • Calling a function by default means the caller must give up access to the value (but can give back by returning it)
  • Similarly, assignment by default means giving up access to the heap value
  • No manual freeing - could free data still being used and thats bad!
  • Instead, use the above invariant: Memory freed when owning variables’ scope ends

See the documentation on ownership for details.


Up to now Rust is far too rigid to be useful. But there are weakenings available.

  • A function can accept arguments by-value or by-reference
  • by-value transfers ownership as we saw up to now
  • by-reference borrows ownership

See the documentation on borrowing for details.


  • Every value has a (statically known) lifetime, written 'a
  • Usually, this can be inferred, but can declare if inference is not working
  • They are used to track borrowing and make sure references will not be dangling

Again see the documentation on lifetimes for details.


Why all the pain compared to Java, python, etc? Efficiency while preserving safety!

  • Static dispatch by default - like C++ non-virtual, very efficient
  • No manual free required at runtime, and no garbage collection overhead
  • Corollary: if you don’t care about these issues don’t use Rust, the pain is not worth it.
  • Note that some Rust-ites would disagree with previous and point out how ownership preserves more referential transparency, etc. Yes, there are other benefits but the price is high.

Big example showing many of the above features in one

Paste into Rust playground to run it

struct HasDrop {z:i32}
impl Drop for HasDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {  // drop method in Drop trait called when scope exits
        println!("Dropping {}!", self.z);
fn takes(x:HasDrop) {}        // value parameter, takes x
fn borrows(x:&HasDrop) {} // reference parameter, only borrows x
fn main() {
    let x1 = HasDrop{z:1};
    let x2 = HasDrop{z:2};
      let x3 = HasDrop{z:3};
      let x4 = HasDrop{z:4};
    let x5 = HasDrop{z:5};
    let x6 = HasDrop{z:6};
    let x7 = HasDrop{z:7};
Dropping 4!
Dropping 3!
Dropping 5!
Dropping 7!
Dropping 6!
Dropping 2!
Dropping 1!

Relaxing Restrictions

Rust up to now is reasonable for many programming tasks, but is still extremely annoying in a few cases; there are advanced tools to help.

  • Rc<T> types: allows multiple “owners”; reference couting is used to prevent too-early free
  • Arc<T>: atomic version of the above
  • ~*const T~ and ~*mut T~: raw pointers, aliasing is allowed, but dereferencing is unsafe.
  • Cell<T>: allow mutation from multiple sources
  • Real corner cases may need unsafe escapes: Dereferencing raw pointers, violating “read XOR write” reference scope, unsafe typecasts
  • Some studies of low-level systems code shows around 10-15% of the code may need unsafe hacks
  • Bad but at least for 85-90% of the code it is clean