
Class Times

Lectures will be 10-10:50 on Mondays and Wednesdays in Hodson 316. Friday 10-10:50 will be paper reading which will to some degree run independently of the lecture but is also part of the course. See the Dateline for the M/W schedule and this link for the Friday schedule.

Course Materials

The assumed background for the class is the PL course Book. Supplementary reading materials for individual lectures will be linked from the dateline.


Gradescope will be used for assignment submission and grade posting. See Piazza for the entry code.


We will be using Piazza for online discussions. You will need to register for The PL2 Piazza Page so you can receive course announcements and discuss the material with other students.


All assignments are linked from the dateline. There will be two kinds of assignments:

  1. Implementation of small interpreters, type checkers, symbolic evaluators, program analyses, in OCaml, and some theorem-proving in Coq.
  2. Written assignments covering topics in the mathematical theory of programming languages.
  3. There will also be a "take home final" which will in fact be a long homework which will cover the mathematical concepts.

The collaboration policy for assignments is you are welcome to discuss assignments with other students, but everyone must submit their own writeup of the answers (no emailing solutions to each other for example).

Please make sure to consult the course Academic Integrity Policy on what is legitimate interaction for homeworks, it is spelled out in detail there.

There are no assignments for the paper reading days (Fridays) other than reading the paper beforehand. Students will be encouraged to sign up to lead a paper, but it will not be required. The paper reading day will be graded based on active attendance (attending and paying attention, asking questions etc).

Late HW Policy

You will be given the same number of "late days" as there are assignments. For each assigment you can use up to three of your late days quota, each one allowing you to submit the assignment one day later. The quantum of lateness is the day, so if you are 15 seconds late that counts as a day late. If you have a cold or flu you can use the late days for such absences; if you have an extended excused absence contact instructors on Piazza and we can work something out.

Office hours

See the Contact page.


There will be a final exam.