Lecture Outline
This is the preliminary list of M/W lecture topics and readings. See the dateline for what we actually end up doing.
The M/W topics are primarily focused on higher-order and functional programming, following the pattern of PoPL I.
Friday is a paper reading day which will cover some recent papers as well as surveys of some topics we could not fit in the M/W days.
More Functional Programming in OCaml
To warm up let's cover some stuff that is more "PL I" but we didn't have the time to cover it there.
- Pipelining
- Folds and generalized folds
- OCaml modules and functors
- Generalized Abstract Data Types (GADTs) in OCaml
- Folds and Pipelining: Cornell CS, Functional Programming in OCaml: Folds
- GADT's: the OCaml manual chapter 8.11; Detecting use-cases for GADTs in OCaml by Mads Hartmann;
- A-translation
- Closure Conversion
- Defunctionalization
- Continuation-passing style, CPS transformation, and exceptions encodings
- State-passing style and reader/writer threading
- Unifying transformations with the monad template
- Programming with monads and monad transformers
- Xavier Leroy, Functional programming languages Part III: program transformations
- Xavier Leroy, Functional programming languages Part IV: monadic transformations, monadic programming (code)
- Cornell CS, Functional Programming in OCaml: Monads
Advanced Operational Semantics
- Big-step operational semantics review
- Environment/closure-based operational semantics
- Church's lambda-calculus, reduction, and small-step operational semantics
- Xavier Leroy, Functional programming languages Part I: interpreters and operational semantics
- Peter Selinger, Lecture Notes on the Lambda Calculus
Program Analysis
We will cover this topic in depth, implementing both abstract interpreters and symbolic evaluators for higher-order languages.
- Abstract interpretation
- Symbolic Execution
- Van Horn and Might, Abstracting Abstract Machines
- Aldrich and Le Goues, Lecture Notes: Satisfiability Modulo Theories
Advanced typed systems
We are going to cover basic type theory in detail (forall, exists, kinds) and spend less time on the advanced topics since they constitute a whole course if done rigorously.
- Forall, exists
- Higher kinds and type functions
- Recursive types
- Effect types
- Ownership types
- Gradual types
- Dependent types
- MPI-SWS, Semantics of Type Systems Lecture Notes: covers the basics, system F, recursive types.
Program verification
- Program logics
- Satisfiability Modulo Theories
- Inductive definitions
- The Coq Theorem prover
- Aldrich and Le Goues, Lecture Notes: Axiomatic Semantics and Hoare-style Verification
- Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter et al., Inductive Definitions and Fixed Points
- Cornell CS, Coq Tutorial
Assignments Outline
Here is an outline for the assignments. See the dateline for the assignments we settle on, and the due dates.
- Transforming Fb programs in OCaml: closure conversion, A-Translation, defunctionalization, CPS.
- An environment-based Fb interpreter in OCaml
- Monadic programming in OCaml
- An Fb environment/closure-based interpreter in OCaml
- An Fb abstract interpreter in OCaml
- An Fb symbolic evaluator in OCaml using the Z3 SMT solver
- Correctness proofs in Coq
Potential Tutorial topics for paper reading Fridays
- Aldrich and Le Goues, Model Checking and Linear Temporal Logic
- First-order program analysis. Via e.g. Aldrich course.
- Some of the advanced types topics such as ownership types and gradual types.
- A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques - the broader view of symbolic execution.