The Functional Programming Language Universe

  • “This is the Dawn of the Age of FP”, there are now many choices of FP languages
  • There are both viable functional-focused languages as well as FP extensions to existing languages
  • We review the landscape here so you can us some FP on your next Python/Java(Script)/C++/… project
  • Along with the FP another thing from the class which you can apply elsewhere is quickchecking
    • Originated with Haskell but being ported to many languages now

Functional-focused languages

  • These are languages designed with FP in mind from the start
  • Key features include
    • Immutable variables by default
    • Libraries have immutable data structures
    • Full higher-order functions (can pass and return functions to functions), currying, anonymous (fun x -> ... functions), etc.
    • Often also includes pattern matching and type inference, but also may be dynamically-typed
  • Note that you may see the term “persistent data structure”, we have been calling these “pure functional” or “immutable” data structures.
    • The term “persistent” has a longstanding meaning of surviving over multiple runs of a program so I perfsonally find “persistent data structure” as a misleading term for immutable structure.
  • There are roughly two “schools”
    • ML school: static types, type-directed programming, type inference, polymorphism, pattern matching (OCaml, Standard ML, ReScript, Haskell, F#, Elm, etc)
    • Lisp school: dynamically typed: more flexible but no type-directed programming (Lisp, Scheme, Racket, Clojure, etc)
  • All of these functional languages should be very easy to learn now that you know OCaml.

ML Dialects

  • OCaml .. perhaps you have heard of that? :-)
  • Standard ML is another variant of ML, but it has limited popularity these days
  • F#, ReScript, and Elm are other ML-descended languages we cover briefly now


  • F# is Microsoft’s ML-style language, it has all the main features of OCaml
  • It integrates well with the MSFT toolchain, probably the main point of interest
  • Here is an example from their tutorial; looks familiar, eh?
let square x = x * x
let isOdd x = x % 2 <> 0

let sumOfOddSquares nums =
    |> List.filter isOdd
    |> List.sumBy square

let numbers = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
let sum = sumOfOddSquares numbers
printfn "The sum of the odd squares in %A is %d" numbers sum

type Shape =
    | Square of side: double
    | Rectangle of width: double * length: double

let getArea shape =
    match shape with
    | Square side -> side * side
    | Rectangle (width, length) -> width * length

let square = Square 2.0
printfn "The area of the square is %f" (getArea square)

ReScript (was called Reason until a year ago)

  • ReScript is an interesting beast, it is a fork of OCaml in terms of features
    • But, with a somewhat different syntax not so loaded with historical oddities and kludges
    • Compiler (bucklescript) takes .res to .bs.js which can in turn run in a browser
    • Here is a playground where you can see how .res is turned into
    • This playground shows the close relation of ReScript and OCaml (and JavaScript) (it is in fact a Reason playground, the predecessor of ReScript)
    • Some small code examples to get an idea of the syntax


  • The main thrust behind ReScript is use of soundly-typed FP in web UI programming
    • Compare to TypeScript which is not sound and lacks type inference
  • ReScriptReact is the ReScript version of Facebook’s excellent React UI library
  • Here is an example of a full browser app written in ReScriptReact.
    • ReScript and ReScriptReact count as OCaml for the course projects, an option to consider if you already know React.


  • Elm is an ML-school language
  • Designed for writing web apps, it runs in the browser via translation to JS.
    • Similar to ReScriptReact in goal



  • Scala is a hybrid of Java and ML which runs on the JVM so can link with Java libraries
  • It is easier to do FP in compared to Java since FP was built-in from the start: pattern matching, type inference, etc.


  • Haskell is an ML descendant, it shares a lot of the same syntax
  • It is hard-core FP: no direct side effects at all, must use monads for every side-effect (ouch!)
  • It was gaining in popularity but not as much recently, too hard-core for your average programmer
  • Has some very cool features that OCaml does not have, e.g. type classes for principled operator overloading

    Lisp / Scheme / Racket

  • Lisp was the very first functional programming language, from the late 50’s
    • inspired by Church’s Lambda Calculus, circa 1934 - functional programming on paper
    • Lisp is dynamically typed, the ancestor of all modern dynamically-typed languages such as Python, JavaScript, etc. No type-directed programming in any of these!!
    • Allows mutation everywhere (no immutable let or immutable lists), but “only mutate when really needed”.
  • Scheme was a clean-up of Lisp in the 70’s-80’s, there were several errors in the Lisp design
  • Racket is a popular modern dialect of Scheme with many added features including types
  • Clojure is another more modern Lisp dialect
    • Has more immutablility by default than Scheme and so can more cleanly support parallelism
      • Avoids race conditions on stateful data strutures
    • Runs on the Java JVM so lots of libraries
  • Additionally, Smalltalk, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript are descended from Lisp (more below on those)
  • The Lisp school is generally in decline these days, (the syntax (sucks) (since everything is just an s-expression (like this)))

FP in YourFavoriteLang

  • It is now possible to do FP-style programming in Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, etc.
  • All of these languages support higher-order functions with Currying, etc.
    • (Currying is usually not the default multi-arg approach as in OCaml, though)
  • There is not necessarily good library support or integration
    • So, at this point more “checking the FP box” than actual “doing FP”
    • To “really do” FP you need immutable data structures and default-immutable variables

FP in Java

Java 8+ has Lambdas

  • Lambdas are higher-order functions but are clunky to use due to how they were patched in.
  • Java 8 higher-order functions “pun” as an interface with only one method in it, apply.
    • the function is taken to be the body of that single method, no need to write the method name when declaring the function then.
  • There is also some (limited) type inference for Lambda parameters (plus type inference in general via var)
  • Currying in Java, somewhat painfully: Gist currying example. For that example here is the Function and BiFunction type.
  • Use final to declare variables immutable in Java - use it!
  • There are no immutable data structures in the Java standard library unfortunately
  • limits the advantages of FP

FP in C++11

  • Everyone is joining the Lambda party!
  • Details here.
  • Closures are a headache in C++ due to different low-level ways data can be accessed in C++.
  • Use const declarations to get immutable variables
  • C++ also has some type inference a la OCaml C++ local type inference
    • e.g. auto mydata = 22;. auto is like var in Java.
  • C++14 adds generic lambdas which look like the polymorphic types of OCaml/Java but are really just fancy macros.

FP in Swift

  • Swift also has support for anonymous function definitions, closures, Currying, etc.
  • let is also built-in for defining immutable values (use var to mutate)
  • map and other standard functions are supported in the system libraries
  • The generic types of Swift also allow polymorphic functions to be defined like in OCaml
  • Here is a Curried add function
    func add(_ x: Int) -> ((Int) -> Int) {
    return { y in x + y }

let r1 = add(5)(4)
let add5 = add(5)
let r2 = add5(4)

Or with more sugared syntax like OCaml's implicitly Curried functions:
func add(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
  return x + y

let sum = add(2)(y: 3)

Note however that application requires a named parameter on the 2nd parameter.

FP In Python

  • Python “already has” FP including lambda, closures and Currying. Here is a Curried add function.
adder =  lambda x: lambda y: x + y

r = adder(4)
  • map, filter, reduce etc are already in the core libraries
  • Note that lists are mutable unfortunately (no sharing) but you can make a list out of tuples which are immutable
  • In addition, the functools standard library supports other convenience higher-order function operations
  • Plus, if you want even more FP-ism, there are additional libraries such as PyToolz
  • has immutable data structures as well
from toolz import curry
 def add(x, y):
     return x + y

plusfour = add(4)     
  • PyToolz is a port of the Clojure FP libraries to Python
  • Python is weak on immutable variables, there is no const/final
    • but the tuples and frozenset are immutable data structures
    • and Python 3.8 finally has final
  • Python 3.10 (finally!) has pattern matching.

FP In JavaScript or TypeScript

  • JavaScript is similar to Python, it has the basics built-in already
function adder(a) 
{ return function uni_adder(b) 
    { return a + b;
  • const declarations bring the FP immutable variable default to JS - use it!
  • JavaScript has no immutable data structures however
    • means e.g. lists won’t be able to share sub-structures so “FP programming” will be less efficient in JS.

Terminology aside: closure

  • A closure is just a higher-order function return value
  • The term “closure” comes from how they are implemented – all variables not local to the function must be remembered
  • OCaml example:
# let f = (fun x -> fun y -> x + y) 4;;
val f : int -> int = <fun> (* f is at runtime the closure (pair) "<fun y code, {x |-> 4}>" *)
# f 3;;
- : int = 7
  • Note how x is a function parameter and is remembered in spite of function returning, means x needs to be remembered, in the closure

  • Here is an encoding of the above idea in OCaml
    let f = (fun x -> (fun (x,y) -> x + y), x) in (* return pair of function and non-local value *)
    let apply_closure (f,x) y = f (x,y) in (* function application needs to pass in x from the closure *)
    let add3 = f 3 in (* example of partial application: only one argument given *)
    apply_closure add3 5;;
  • Closures are the key thing missing from C: C has function pointers you can pass around, but no closures.
    • It also doesn’t allow you to write anonymous functions (fun x -> ..), etc, etc.
  • In C++ there is an issue of what format non-locals like x are: references, copies, or what.