Current Work
- Additional function for user to turn the unlock service on or off
- App selection section modified: added a confirm button (in previous iteration not working) and a view to represent the selected app
- Additional activity to add a name for the created pattern-action relation
- Building a database to store the user setting preferrence
- Add the voice recording function
- Implement the voice detection algorithm on Matlab
- We have finished OnlineLearning algorithms for draw-pattern recognition.
- We have finished applist model to store and sort apps by the predicted scores
- We have finished analyzer to take any algorithms to perform a certain kind of analyzing on different patterns
- Transplant the voice recording algorithm to Android
- We are trying to store algorithm parameters and user configurations on database. We will implement the database connection in the next iteration
- There are some codes need to be written under a better design pattern. We need more refactoring in the next step
- To make our product usable, we need to debug carefully and write some unit tests
In this iteration, we would focus on the debugging of this app. Also we need to modify the parameters used like the voice unlock thresholding. If the thresholding is set high, users may often fail to pass the test; if the thresholding is too low, this app would be a failure as it's no longer a "lock".
Java Doc
Please click the link for the recent Java Doc.