Finished the functionality of grid pattern recognition and corresponding setting part.
Successfully implemented voice recognition algorithm in app and developed corresponding setting part.
Implemented successfully machine learning algorithm for draw-pattern and developed quick learning option for users in setting part.
Improved the UI of the power-on user interface and setting part.
Design the logo of our app and background.
Future Work
Register for this app as a locker app so that it is not only a quick launcher for apps.
Improved the voice recognition algorithm to increase the accuracy of the recognition.
In draw-pattern recognition, achieve a functionality to open apps automatically when the score of the app is high enough.
In draw-pattern recognition, not only rank the installed apps but also the apps which is not installed. This functionality enables users not only open favourate apps quickly but also install popular apps quickly.
In addition to lauching, it is an idea for users to make phone calls and play music thourgh the same approach using draw-pattern recognition and voice recognition.