College Chef


Vision Statement

See our Vision Statement from Iteration 1.

Features / Requirements List

See our Features / Requirements List from Iteration 1.

Our core features that we plan on implementing first:

  • Add Recipe
  • Search Recipe - by name and by ingredients
  • View Recipe (each recipe should have its own page)
  • Nice printable recipes

Other features we plan on implementing later on:

  • Commenting
  • Rating
  • Top Chefs
  • Top Recipes
  • Recipe meal type
  • Recipe cuisine type
  • Recipe price
  • Recipe time
  • Other search options
  • Favorite recipes
  • Sort results page w/ different criteria
  • Save your kitchen (so you don't have to input the same 25 ingredients over and over again)

If time permits:

  • Link nutritional information to the recipes based on the ingredients
  • Include externally hosted photos and embed videos for recipes
  • Facebook app (see friends' recipes, notify friends of new recipes, etc)
  • IPhone app