A4: Context interpreter

For this assignment you will write a context-based interpreter for Fb. This is a warm-up to writing a full program analysis.

  1. Your interpreter should closely follow Section 1.4 of the PLII book, which serves as the specification. In particular you are to keep track of the current call site string and use it as the key for a store of environments.
  2. For this assignment you will again write all your code in the file Fb/fbinterp.ml, constructing an eval function there which will in turn invoke your interpreter.
  3. Here is a possible expression type which includes closures. Feel free to use whatever type you want.
    type callsite = int
    type context = callsite list
    type eexpr =
      | EVar of ident | EFunction of ident * eexpr | EAppl of callsite * eexpr * eexpr
      | ELet of ident * eexpr * eexpr | ELetRec of ident * ident * eexpr * eexpr
      | EPlus of eexpr * eexpr | EMinus of eexpr * eexpr | EEqual of eexpr * eexpr
      | EAnd of eexpr * eexpr| EOr of eexpr * eexpr | ENot of eexpr
      | EIf of eexpr * eexpr * eexpr | EInt of int | EBool of bool
      | EClosure of eexpr * context
  4. Notice the type of EAppl here, it additionally has a callsite which is the tag t in the mathematical version; this type is just integers here. The context corresponds to the C of the book, the list of call sites. We use that as a key placed in each closure EClosure above, following the spec.
  5. You will also need types for store and evironment. The environment is the same structure as the previous assignment, and the store is a mapping from contexts to environments. Note that for this assignment you can use the OCaml Map module, and it will be a good exercise to do so, but you don't have to; mappings as assocs as in the previous assignment is still OK.
  6. Generally you should just be tweaking your eeval interpreter of the previous assignment, for example modify the implementation of expr_to_eexpr to conform to this new grammar (and, you should also use this to generate unique tags for each call site), etc. It should still create a working top-loop as with that assignment.
  7. Assigngment 5 will be to implement chapter 2's program analysis, this is just a stepping stone on the way there. If you want you can skip ahead to that if you think you can get it all done by the HW 4 deadline. But, its a lot of work so that is why it is getting divided up into multiple assignments.
  8. If you had big problems on the previous interpreter assignment we can give you some "answers" to that to help you catch up. Just ask.

For this assignment submit ONLY the file fbinterp.ml with your interpreter code.